se93, tcode with 1/more authorization object

Question: hi, my understanding is that a tcode ought to have more than one authorization objects. and i think there are some that may have one only.

so i used se93 (though sapfans did mentioned about su24) to find out the authorization objects for a tcode. however, sometimes, i only got a development class and programs instead of authorization objects. is it possible to derive from the development class and programs?
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of

SE93 shows you nothing but the authorization object tied to the tcode. It is no longer needed, it was put in place when there was no S_TCODE.

Many transaction code have no authorization objects associated with them or in the tcode, from a "ought to" standpoint, transaction codes only have the S_TCODE check.

SU24 will show you what was configured to pring into PFCG is you select the tcode in the menu of PFCG, it does NOT show you what is in the code.

And the answer to your next question, There is no single source for this information and the closest you can get is a ST01 Authorization trans, but it is only as good as your configuration and master data set-up.

No there is no one-place-give-me-all-the-answers-and-fix-my-security in SAP.

therefore, if i gave authorization for z_test_se38 with se38 as an entry in s_tcode, it may not be authorized to work since there could be other "checks" done ?
Depends on what your intent for using SE38. If it is to create a variant and execute unprotected reports then it will let you , If you are going to view code you may need more an if you are going to develop abap you will need a lot more. This is why you use PFCG and the Menu, it will give you a reasonable idea of what is needed but it may not be all you need and it may be more thatn you need.

su24 indeed lists the authorizaton objects for a tcode....

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