Monitoring objects and attributes are assigned various properties. These include:
· An explanatory text
· When and under which conditions Alerts are generated
· The criticality that an alert is assigned
· The maximum number of alerts that are to be stored for an attribute
The properties therefore provide settings options for the alert that can be assigned to a monitoring attribute, and also more detailed information through the assigned message. In the same way as the properties, methods are assigned to a monitoring attribute.
The properties for most monitoring objects and attributes in the monitoring architecture are already predefined and are available in every SAP system. However, you can also change the settings in accordance with your wishes. Your changes to the properties and methods are grouped in properties variants, which prevents an accidental reset of your adjustments when the SAP predefined settings are updated (for example, during an update).
The properties are divided into two groups:
· General Properties
This includes the assigned message that contains more detailed information about the monitoring object or attribute. As the properties contain the class and the number of the message, you can also make your own changes here.
Setting options for the alerts are also general properties. For a monitoring object, these properties are only valid for the attributes that belong to this object.
· Properties of the Individual Monitoring Attributes
There are five different attribute types in the monitoring architecture, each of which have their own special properties. In this way, you can, for example, define the threshold value only for performance attributes. These properties only exist for monitoring attributes, not for monitoring objects.
See also:
Properties of Log Attributes
Properties of Performance Attributes
Properties of Status Attributes
You can edit properties both from the alert monitoring tree and from the Customizing transaction RZ21 (see Changing Properties and Method Assignments).

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