The Alert Monitor provides two system views (Current Status and Open Alerts), with which you can display the status of your monitored systems. In addition, there are also the display types Alert Browser and Detail Data for displaying more detailed information about open alerts or selected monitoring tree elements (MTEs).
Current Status
This system view displays the current data for every MTE. When you begin to check the system, you begin with this view:
Heartbeat alerts are not displayed in this view (see Triggering a Heartbeat Alert if no Values Are Reported).
Open Alerts
The following image shows the Open Alerts view. This view shows where alerts exist that have not yet been analyzed and set to complete. The color indicator for alerts is set in accordance with the most serious alert that has not yet been processed. Switch to this view to see whether problems have occurred since the last time you used the Alert Monitor.
This view does not necessarily correspond to the current status of the system.
Alert Browser
A third display type is the Alert Browser, which you start through the Alert Monitor. The Alert Browser displays a list of the open alerts in a flat hierarchy. To do this, select the MTEs for which you want to display the alerts that have not yet been completed. The Alert Browser tool is therefore well suited to systematically processing all alerts that have not yet been completed.
Technical Views
The Technical Viewsshould be considered separately from the above display types. In technical views, the displayed information is not current values or alerts for nodes, but rather information about properties and methods of the nodes. You can also display this information for individual nodes by choosing the Properties pushbutton, however you can see the relevant information for all nodes of a monitor in the technical views. There are the following technical views:
· Technical View: Info on MTE
· Technical View: Method Allocation
· Technical View: Status Data Collector
· Technical View: Status Autoreaction
· Displaying the Technical View: Threshold Values
· Technical View: Central Performance History
Displaying Detail Data
You can display the detail data for one or more MTEs from both system views of the Alert Monitor. The display of the detail data shows you:
· The most serious alert that has not yet been processed (if one exists)
· For performance attributes, the current performance data, the associated alert threshold values and the combined, smoothed data for the last 30 minutes and 24 hours
· For status and log attributes, the last message
· The general properties of the selected MTEs

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