The SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors monitor set contains the predefined CCMS Selfmonitoring monitor, which displays the status of the monitoring architecture and of the Alert Monitor. The monitor displays, among other things, whether the Alert Monitor was able to perform the following actions:
· Start the data collection methods for which it is responsible
· Assign and access the shared memory
· Set up the RFC connections to remote systems and components
Both the CCMS agents and individual Alert Monitor methods (data collection methods and auto-reaction methods) can display problems and their status in the Selfmonitoring tree.
The monitor consists of multiple subtrees; on the one hand, the system-wide subtree with the title CCMS Selfmonitoring below the relevant system (in the example above, the system CEN), on the other hand, the instance-specific subtrees for the monitored servers and active CCMS agents (see CCMS Selfmonitoring Monitor for instance-specific data). This section provides an introduction to the monitoring tree elements (MTEs) of the system-wide subtree.
The subtree consists of the following monitoring objects:
· Tooldispatching (longrunning tasks) (MTE class CCMS_Tooldispatching)
Methods can run in dialog or in background processing. The latter are started in the monitoring architecture by the background dispatcher (SAP_CCMS_BATCH_DISPATCHER), which runs periodically.
The dispatcher runs once system-wide, rather than on each individual instance, which is why the associated monitoring object is in the system-wide subtree. The dispatcher messages are displayed under Messages.
As the monitoring architecture is an infrastructure with a modular structure, problems in certain methods affect only certain MTEs. The majority of the monitoring functions of the monitoring architecture are not affected by method errors.
· Startuptools once per system (MTE class CCMS_Tooldispatching)
You can also have methods that run in background processing started by the background dispatcher for startup methods (SAP_CCMS_STARTUP_TOOL_BATCH_DP), which runs the methods immediately after the start of a monitoring segment
Methods that are started by this dispatcher can add their own status MTEs in this subtree, meaning that you can also find runtime and error messages here.
· Runtime (MTE class CCMSSelfMoniRunTime)
- AlertsInDB (MTE class CCMSSelfMoni-AlertsInDB)
This performance attribute displays the total number of alerts in the alert database. When you complete an alert, it is stored in the database. If the system generates an alert here, the monitoring architecture starts an auto-reaction method that reorganizes the completed alerts and deletes older alerts. You can use the threshold value for this alert to control how many completed alerts are retained.
You can reorganize the completed alerts at any time using the analysis method assigned to this MTE, irrespective of alerts. When doing so, you can specify the date before which all completed alerts are to be deleted.
- SalcCache (MTE class CCMSSelfMoniSalcCache)
The monitoring architecture includes various caches in which the assignment of MTEs to MTE classes is stored. These caches accelerate the creation of the monitors and minimize the number of RFC calls required.
- AlertsWithGUID (MTE class CCMSSelfMoni-AlertsWithGUID)
This node contains the number of alerts in the table ALALRTGUID. Alerts are stored there for the MTEs to which the sending of alerts to the central alert framework is assigned as an auto-reaction method (see Forwarding Alerts to Alert Management (ALM)). The alert data of table ALALRTGUID is required to allow communication between the CCMS and the Alert Framework when sending the alerts.
The table ALALRTGUID is regularly automatically reorganized. Automatic reorganization is assigned to this node as an auto-reaction method, and manual reorganization is assigned as the analysis method.
- RouteCache (MTE class CCMSSelfMoniRouteCache)
Contexts and segments of remote monitored systems are stored in this cache. You can also check this in the Topology Browser of the monitoring architecture.
· Central Performance History (MTE class CPH_SELFMONITORING)
The Central Performance History (CPH) allows you to save performance values of the monitoring architecture long-term, and to output these values in reports to compare the current performance data with its earlier development.
This subtree contains the nodes for the self-monitoring of the CPH. For a detailed description of this subtree, see Selfmonitoring of the Central Performance History.
· XML_Selfmonitoring (MTE class XML_SelfMonitoring)
You can transfer data to the monitoring architecture using XML documents with the XMW interface. This data is displayed like all other data in the alert monitor. This subtree contains the nodes for the self-monitoring of the XMW interface. For a detailed description of this subtree, see Selfmonitoring Monitor for the XMW Interface.
· SAPMSSYT (MTE class CCMSSelfMoniSapmssyT)
SAPMSSYT is a data collection method of the monitoring architecture that runs as a job on the monitored systems. During its runtime, the job occupies a work process on the monitored system. SAPMSSYT runs once an hour.
The main tasks of SAPMSSYT are:
- Distribution of the method assignments to MTE classes on remote systems in the context of the central auto-reaction; it also determines data for the self-monitoring of all CCMS agents.
- Checking the CCMS agents
You can find SAPMSSYT messages under Messages (MTE class CCMSSelfMoniSapmssyTMessages); SapmssyT_Runtime (MTE class CCMSSelfMoniSapmssyTRuntime) gives the runtime of the job.
· Tooldispatching (central system) (MTE class CCMS_Tooldispatching)
This subtree displays messages from the central method dispatcher (RSAL_CENSYS_TOOL_DISPATCHING) under Messages. This dispatcher makes central auto-reactions possible when alerts are triggered on remote systems. The process of this is as follows:
a. An alert occurs in the monitored system to which a central auto-reaction method is assigned.
b. A CCMS agent recognizes the alert and sends the MTE and the alert data to the central system using RFC.
c. In the central system, the event SAP_CSM_TRIGGER_CENSYS_DISPATCH is triggered, which starts the dispatcher RSAL_CENSYS_TOOL_DISPATCHING. This job calls the corresponding central auto-reaction method in the central system and transfers the information about the MTE and the alert to it. It also adjusts the method runtime status in the monitored system using the agent.
For more information about central auto-reactions, see SAP Note 0429265.
· CCMS Agents (MTE class CCMSSelfMoniAgents)
This subtree corresponds to the Selfmonitoring CCMS Agents monitor.
· GRMG_Self-Monitoring (MTE class GRMG_SelfMonitoring)
You can use the Generic Request and Message Generator (GRMG) to monitor the availability of technical components or steps in business processes. For a detailed description of this subtree, see GRMG Selfmonitoring Monitor.
· System Component Repository (MTE class CCMS_SCR_SelfMoni)
This subtree contains the version of the CCMS System Component Repository.
To start the monitor, follow the procedure below:
1. Start the Alert Monitor using transaction RZ20 or choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor.
2. On the CCMS Monitor Sets screen, expand the SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitor set.
3. Start the CCMS Selfmonitoring monitor from the list by double-clicking it.

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