Mass User Creation

Question: Can anyone tell me how to create users in mass? They will all use the same profile. I have already generated their usernames. So everything except their names will be identical. Any help would be appreciated.

The best way I have found is by creating a CATT.
A CATT will record your actions, in this case creating a user ID, and by using an input file will make this manual process much easier.

Look up documentaion in the SAP glossary on CATT.
You need to first record what you want SAP to do, use transaction SCAT.
In SCAT you record going into SU01 creating the users etc.

Then as the doc will show you, you need to input for the CATT the fields you want to use as varialble, (ones that will change user to user) like a user ID.

Then you populate the export file that the CATT creates, enter all your data and run it.

Good luck!

An alternative is the standard transaction SU10 which works greatly except the following:
1. I experienced that the function to remove roles from users does not work properly.
2. All passwords are automatically generated (you see them if you ask for a log). If you want to give the same password or at least a non-generated to all, you have to reset that manually.

LSMW is another easy tool to create mass users.

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