Upgrade SAP or Installation of SAP R/3 and ECC

What is ECC? Where to find the installation steps of ECC 5/6.0 with SQL as database and on windows platform with the steps including Solution Manager installation?


ECC means Enterprise Central Component.

There are all the relevant installation guides. You NEED SAPNet access because without a registered and licensed SolMan installation number you will not be able to generate the SolMan key for the ECC installation.

Upgrade to 4.7

Have you gone through an upgrade to 4.7?
What are the difference or changes associated with 4.7.
If you are currently on 4.6C and are inching forward to upgrading to 4.7 then this information might be useful to you.

There is very little difference between 4.6 and 4.7, the only "steps" you should need are steps in SU25 ( skip step 1) Then go through all your role and perform a merge old new to bring in the new authorization objects

Just to forewarn you of a potential problem which have been encounter at the point of writing.

After updating/ modifying roles in step 2C, when going back into 2C to make sure all roles are now green, 70% have gone back to red!

The maintenance done is ok, but there seems to be a problem while trying to go back into the roles again to re-generate.

SAP recognizes them as needing "adjustment", so you cannot pick them up in mass generate in PFCG as they do not come in, even though the authorizations tab is red.

This problem is currently with SAP and it is confirmed that nothing have been done wrongly.

Generally, the work is quite manageable in the upgrade, but don't be surprised at how big the upgrade is when compared to upgrading from 46b to 46c.

If we have full software of 46c and 47E is it possible to upgrade 46c to 47E or there is a seperate 47E upgrade software need to be requested from SAP?

Where I can get the document with upgrade steps on the service market place?

It is of course possible and supported:


--> SAP Components
--> SAP R/3 Enterprise
--> (choose your version)
at the bottom there is an "Upgrade guide" for Windows and Unix.

For Upgrades it is recommended to read ALL the notes mentioned in the
upgrade guide and to make sure one is using

- the correct version of the "tp" program
- the correct version of the "R3trans" program
- the correct version of the "R3up" program

All that is explained in the upgrade guide and in the corresponding notes.

If this is your first upgrade you should take a person, that has some experience on doing that for the first time.

Installation of SAP R/3

Currently we are going to install SAP on a new IBM server from the existing COMPAQ server. Where can I get the steps for that.

Configuration is :
OS - windows 2003 server
DB - Oracle 9i
SAP 4.7


--> SAP Components
--> SAP R/3 Enterprise
--> SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 / Ext. Set 2.00 (SR1)
--> Inst. Guide - R/3 Enterprise 4.7 x 2.00 SR1 on Win: Oracle

The above url is the SAP Service Marketplace with all the information you need to install, configure and run system. You need to be a valid licensed customer with a user ID and PASSWORD to use that.

Without access you won't be able to successfully run any SAP systems because it has notes, patches etc.

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