In which dir are the developer traces written?




2. A user informs you that his session terminated with an error.unfortunately,

he did not write down any of the termination details.where is the best

place to start your analysis?

a.nowhere.if I cannot get more information,there is no way to find the cause

of the termination.

b.check all the run time errors in the r/3 system

c. check the system log

d.check the backup log

3. where you can see servers overview?


4. From which t code using inform the users to schedule down time?


5. what are the status of servers? Where you can find?

Initial, Starting, Active, passive, shutdown, stop


6.what is the initial status of server?

The application server has logged on to message server but cannot be

addressed yet.

7.where you can see process overview?


8. what is internal process number?

The system uses this number internally ,for example, to assign messages to

processes .the process number is contained in the name of the corresponding

developer trace.

9.what is the status of the process?


10.what is the reason for holding the work process?

CPIC: work process is waiting for a cpic message.

DEBUG:work process is currently in debugging mode.

LOCK:work process has been assigned to one user exclusivelyfor

system analysis.

NUM:work process is waiting for a response from a number range server.

OS:work process is waiting for an operating system command to be processed.

PRIV:work process is working exclusively for one user.

SLEEP:work process is waiting due to a resource bottleneck.

VB:work process is waiting for a synchronous update request to be processed.

11.what is SM66?

Global work process overview. You can use this transaction to monitor the

load of work processes on all active instances.

12.what is SMICM?

This is used for monitor the internet communication manager(ICM).

13.what is SM04?

User you can see current user activity on the local instance.

And terminal used to logon,current transaction,number of open sessions,and

time of last performed dialog step.

14.where you can see global user overview?

AL08. here you can see all active users in any of the active instances.

15.what is SM21?

System log. The system log records system information messages warnings

and error messages each highlighted in a different colour.

16. what is the criteria available for analyzing the system log?

Time frame, user, transation code, process type, problem class, additional

criteria in expert mode.

17.where you can analyze run time errors? you can see the information includes the time of the termination

,information on the R/3 release ,RDBMS and operating system used as well as

variable values.

18.which program is scheduled to delete run time error reports that are outdated

or have been already analysed?


19.what are the trace levels?

0 tracing is deactivate

1 error messages are recorded in the trace file

2 full trace

3 in addition to error and action messages the contents of the data blocks also written to the trace files.

20. what is ST11 ?

Trace files

21. Where the Trace files are located?

Work Directory on the front end

22. What is ST01?

Sap System Trace. The available trace components 1. Authorisation check

2.Kernal Function, 3.General kernel 4.SQL Trace 5. Table Buffer Trace. 6.RFC

calls 7. Lock Operations.

23. What is ST05?

This is used for Performance Analysis to activate data collection the following


SQL trace

Enque Trance

RFC Trace

Buffer Trace

24.What is ST04?

This is used for Database Performance analysis with in the R/3 system.

Important error messages that directly affect the R/3 system and also displayed in

the system log.

25.What is SM12?

Monitoring the R/3 locks.

26. What is ST03?

Workload Analysis of Time Components.

Here we can see Average Response Time. Dispatcher Wait Time, Roll in and Roll

Out time, Load and Generation Time, DB time, RFC time, Processing

Time,Enqueue time

27.what is DB13?

DBA planning calendar.

28.what is RZ20?

CCMS. Alert monitor.

29.where you can see backup logs?


30.what is SM35?

Batch input monitoring.

31.what is BD87?

Status monitor for ALE messages

32.what is ST07?

Application monitor. User distribution

33.what is ST02?

Buffer monitoring. displays name tab, program buffers, CUA(common user

attributes) calendar buffers,screen buffers, table buffers.

34.what is DB24?

Database logs.

35.what is the t code used for monitoring gateway ?


36.what is the tcode used for global performance analysis?


37.where you can see the status of background job?


38.what is DB01?

Database exclusive lock waits.

39.where you can see message server overview?


40.what is ST06?

Operating system analysis. Used to monitor the o/s performanceby gazing the CPU idle time.

41.where you can change the O/S parameter?


42.what is SP01?

Output control. Spool request selection screen.

43.what is SMQ1 & SMQ2?

QRFC monitor inbox & QRFC monitor outbox

44. where you can see sap directories?


45.what is SSAA?


46.what is DB02?

Database displays table spaces,tables and indexes,missing indexes, space statistics.

46.what is SM13?

Update monitoring

47.what is SM14?

Update program administration.

48.what is SM58?

Transactional RFC.

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