-----Original Message-----
Subject: Client lock
Hi all,
I have two questions :
1. How to lock the client from logon
2. How to see the all the users connected per day (with the activities they have done and resource utilization)
Thanks in advance
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
I cannot answer the first straight away, but the second questions, there are many available SAP transactions
use STAT very useful and many options available if you use them correctly.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
1. I don't know how how to lock the client, but you can lock the system with
"tp locksys
also stop the service, but then noone can login including yourself.
However, I had problems with tp locksys when applying some Hot Packages and
exporting client. It wouldn't work with system locked. I didn't try, but a
simple ABAP that locks and unlocks all the users in table usr02 (with exceptions
of yourself, SAP*, DDIC... - ofcourse) might be an interesting idea.
2. STAT transaction
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
U can lock the system thro "tp locksys" (Transport Utility).
Check the other options of "tp" command for locking the specific client under the system thro "tp help".
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
With this solution I can lock the whole system, but not specified by client.
Send me in more detail....
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
There's no way to lock a client.
You have to lock all users from loging in of this specified client.
The way you do is by user administration setting the lock.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
We can lock a client using SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT and unlock SCCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT functions.
Once we run this functions with a client as input , that client will be locked/unlocked. Actually this function set flag '' Client is locked temporarly for client copy" in client maintanance menu. And the client will be available for users other than DDIC and SAP*. If you try to login in that client as any user , system gives message that ' Client locked temporarly'..
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
It is working fine.
Once again thank you very much
-----End of Message----
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