sap Basis Profiles

1.What is an operation mode?

An operation mode describes the number and types of work processes on one or more instances.

2.what is log on group?

A log on group is a logical unit and a subset of all application servers with in the R/3 system. does the profile generated?

Profile is generated and configured with default setting during installation R/3 set up.

4.what is a profile?

A group of authorizations not more than 150 is called a Profile.

5.How many types of profiles?

Two types

1.System Profiles 2.Authorisation Profiles.

6.What are the System Profiles?

Startup Profile

Default Profile

Instance Profile

7.What is Centralization of profiles?

Where you can maintain and manage all profiles of all instance centrally

8. What is Profile Version Management?

Every saved changed to profile is start as Version in R/3 database. The versions are number consequentially

9. What is Consistency Check?

The system verify logical relationship and basic rule for parameter configuration

10. Comparison between active profile and profile saved in database?

We can analyze variants between the currently active profile the profile saved in the database. This is to check whether profile R/3 system as been modified manually .

11.what are the 3 type of maintaining the profile?




12.What is the administration profile maintenance?

It will change the descriptions location of the profile.

13 What is the basic profile maintenance?

All the parameters are described have we change the parameter at mouse click level. This is GUI based

14 What is the extend profile maintenance?

This is create and modify the existing parameter. This is used to resolve the issue according at the time.

15. Where did version of profile is created in O/S level?


16. when we change profile then what is the extension of that profile in O/s level?


17. what is the extension of current profile?


18. Where we can check parameter currently active?

We check the report RSPARAM in the R/3 system

19. What is the Control panel?

This provides to monitor the functional performance of the instances and operation modes in R/3 system.

20. What is dynamic User Distribution?

In the R/3 system with multiple application servers, it is advisable to distribute the load equally among all the servers.

21.What is Long On Load Balancing?

From the Group of R/3 system assign the user to the application server currently high load between instances.

22. What is load Limit?

We can assign the load limit each instance as upper limit .average response time and maximum number of user.

23.what is the programme at os level user user adm used?

Sappfpar it provides information on the parameters setting of a instance and main memory requirement.

24. what are the options for Sappfpar Programme?


Sappfpar all

Sappfpar check

25. what is the use of T.code RZ10?

It is used to Maintain the profiles.

26.What is the use of T.code RZ11?

It is used to maintain the profiles dynamically.

27.What is the composite role?

A group of role is composite role.

28. What is the composite profile?

A group of profile is composite profile.

29.what is a derived role?

Which is derived from parents or generic role.

30.what is authorization class?

Group of not more than 150 authorizations objects is referred to as authorization class.

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