Composite role to merge into a single role

Question: I have copied an SAP composite role and associated single roles to Z roles.

The maintenance will be a nightmare.

Is there a way to consolidate the composite role and assoc single role to just one singel Zrole?


SAP method:
create a new role, use the "add menu from role" button on the Menu tab, repeat process for all roles and maintian the authorizations. If there are object withour tcodes associated with it you can use the "inert Authorization sform profile ( use the role profile)" option on the authorization maintenance screen

Customer method:
Write a program to do it...THe program is fairly simple.

Can I take advantage of this post to ask a similar question:

I need to consolidate a few single roles into a big single role, AND reserve all the authorisation configurations. it is quite easy to create the role from roles to reserve the menu, however the problem is the authorisations.

If I use what John has mentioned to insert profiles, problem is it can only select one profile, lastly the org levels are still unmaintained. It looks like the standard authorisation is still with the brought in profile.

Any way to achieve my goal?

Write an ABAP to do it...

SAP will not allow you to do all the steps. (note you can insert authorizations form MANY profiles, you just have to do them one at a time)

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