Common Mini-SAP Question and Answers

What's the password for user SAP* in minisap?

No matter if minisap or maxisap - the default password for user SAP* is "pass" when you do your client copy to a newly created client.

07061992 is the hard coded password for SAP* in client 000 after your system install.

Licensing Procedure for the Mini SAP System

Based on the ABAP Objects Reference Book

For extending your license key, execute saplicense.exe , and follow the instructions in the documentation "Installing the SAP License" that you find on CD1 in the file mini_doc.htm.

Once you have sent us your hardware key, we will send you a mail with a new license key and the new expiration date.

After getting you new license key be aware that your system id is 'MBS' and your Installation number is 'DEMOSYSTEM' .

When you extend your MINISAP license key for the first time, you also need a developer key in the moment you try to change a repository object in the workbench.

Enter: 29671482393151224771.

Installation Error Message

Installation cancelled at 28% or 85%
Check the network configuration as described in the Installation Guide; also follow the notes for

installation under Windows XP.
Start the Remote Registration Service and Distributed Transaction Coordinator before installation.

Installation cancelled at 42%
Insert the second CD at 42% and press continue.

Installation cancelled at 51%
The installation path – including drive name – must be 12 characters long or less (i.e., D:\MINISAP61).

Installation cancelled at 88%
Under Win 2000 ...Administration | Services, start the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service.

Note for Windows XP
The installation of Web AS 6.10 has been successfully tested using FAT32-formatted drives under Windows XP.

Should you encounter problems during the installation, we recommend converting the hard drive to the Microsoft-recommended NTFS format, which takes only a few minutes and which you can do at the touch of a button under Windows XP.

The full name of the directory where the SAP DB of the Web AS is installed, ...\sapdb\WA1, must not exceed 50 characters.

Please note that under Windows XP, the name of the directory specified prior to installation can be implicitly supplemented by user-specific path information.

Installation on Windows NT
Windows NT is no longer supported in Version 6.10 and later.

Error message at logon: “No Logon possible” (no hw ID received by mssg server)

The usual cause for this error is that system file ...\system32\...\etc\services already contains an entry for port 3600 during installation. If so, mark the entry with “#” to deactivate it.

After installation, the entry must appear as follows:

Creating a new development class
Transaction SE80 now has an “Edit Object” button. You can use it to create a new development class. The name must start with Y or Z.

In Version 6.10 and later, the term “development class” has been replaced with “package”.

Creating your own programs
Please note: The name has to start with Y or Z.

Note on global exception classes

Page 343 of the book specifies the prefix for exception classes as “CX_”. On the Mini Web AS, the customer namespace ZCX_ or YCX_ has to be used.

Unfortunately, the Basis version of the Mini Web AS contains an error that prevents the Class Builder from accepting these names.

Runtime error under DOKTL
This error occurs only when you run the system on a PC without a network connection. To solve this problem, install the MS Loopback Adapter as described on the first CD.

Developing BSP applications on Web AS 6.10
The start page of the first CD contains a link, “Starting Web AS 6.10 Demo - Getting started with a simple BSP (Business Server Pages) demo”, which describes the initial steps.

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