1) What is SAP?
SAP is German Software company that produces the R/3 System
2) What is R/3?
R/3= Real Time in 3 Tier Architecture. R/3 is an integrated suite of applications designed to handle the data processing for large corporations.
3) What is the purpose of R/3.
The sole purpose of R/3 is to provide a suite of tightly integrated large-scale business applications.
4) What is an ERP System.?
R/3 is an example of ERP system.
ERP systems are used by large corporations to track a lot information related to the business like Financials, Sales and Material data.
5) What is a Functional Module?
A functional module is a set of transactions that deals with the same area of business functionality.
6) What is an operating system?
It is an interface between the user and computer.
7) What is a database?
A collection of data records.
8) What is DBMS?
A collection of records, programs to manipulate or operate on the data.
9) What is RDBMS?
A collection of table which is integrated to each other.
10) What are the advantages of RDBMS?
A) Prevents the duplication of data.
B) Whenever the data collapses you can get the data form ‘Redo Lock’ files.
C) Data integrity.
D) Physical data independence.
E) Concurrency control possible locking in RDBMS.
11) What is BASIS?
Basis is like an operating system for R/3. It sits between the ABAP/4 code and the computer operating system. ABAP/4 cannot run directly on an operating system. It requires a set of programs to load interpret and buffer its input and output. Basis provides the runtime
Environment for ABAP/4 programs.
12) What is Client/Server?
Client/Server is two programs talking to each other. With Client/Server, the client/Server programs are independent process. If the client sends a request to the Server, it is free to perform other work while waiting for the response.
13) What is a Tier?
A tier is the boundary between two computers. When the Client/Server programs both run on the same computer, the configuration is referred to as Single tier Client/Server. When they run on different computers, the configuration is referred to as two-tier. A Program can function as both a client and server if both requests information and replies to requests. When you have three programs in communication, the configuration is called three-tier client/Server
14) What is Presentation Server?
The presentation server is actually a program named SAPGUI.EXE it is usually installed on a user’s workstation. When started the presentation Server displays R/3menus with in a window. This window commonly known as the SAPGUI or the user interface.
15) What is Application Server?
An Application server is a set of executables that collectively interpret the ABAP/4 programs and manage the input and output for the application server. If your ABAP/4 program requests information from the database, the application server will format the request and sent it to the database.
16) What is database Server?
The database server is a set of executables that accept database request from the application server. These requests are passed onto the DBMS the RDBMS sends the data back to the database server, which then passes the information back to the application server. The application server to turn passes that information to your ABAP/ 4 program.
17) Define R/3 System?
The simplest definition of an R/3 system is “One Database”. One R/3 System is composed of one database server accessing a single database. One or more application server and one or more presentation servers.
18) What is an R/3 instance?
The term synonymous with application server
19) What is “User Context”?
A user Context is memory allocated to contain the characteristics of a user that is logged on the R/3 System. It holds the information.
a) The user’s current settings.
b) The user’s authorization.
c) The names of the programs the user is currently running.
20) What is a Dialog Step?
A Dialog Step is any screen change. A Dialog step is the processing needed to get form one screen to the next. It includes all processing that occurs after the user issues a request, and including the processing needed to display the next screen.
21) What is the Roll Area?
A roll area is memory allocated by a work process for an instance of a program.
22) What is Work process?
23) How many types are work processes are there and what are they?
a) Background – Background jobs.
b) Dialog –Dialog request.
c) Enqueue – Logical Lock Request.
d) Gateway – Funnels messages into and out of the R/3 System.
e) Message – Routes, messages between application server within an R/3 System.
f) Spool – Print spool request.
g) Update – Request to update data in the database.
24) How many types of tables are there in R/3 Database and what are they?
Two Types A) Client-Dependent and B)Client-Independent.
A table is client-dependent if the first table field type is of type CLMT. The length will always be 3. And this field is always named ‘MANDT’.
If the first is not of type CLNT the table is Client-Independent.
25) What is SAP’s Open SQL?
ABAP/4 code is portable between databases. To access the database in an ABAP/4 program you will code SAP’s Open SQL. Open SQL is a subset of ANSISQL. The ABAP/4 interpreter passes all open SQL statements to the database interface part of the work-process. There they are converted to SQL I.e. native to the installed RDBMS.
1. What is a data dictionary?
Data dictionary is a central source of information for the data in a data management system.
2. What is Dictionary’s main function?
The main function of the dictionary is to support the creation and management of data definitions (METADATA).
3. What is a table?
a) A table is a two-dimensional matrix consisting of rows and field.
b) A table is a collection of rows containing fields also called columns.
4 What is a structure?
A structure is a description of a group of fields.
5) What is the main difference between tables and structures?
Major difference between the two is that a table has an underlying database table associated with it. For structure there is no database table is generated.
6) How many ways a structure name can be used? What are these ways?
a) In a program : To allocate memory for a group of fields.
b) In a Table : To describe a set of fields.
1) What is a substructure?
Rather than listing all the fields you wish a table is structured to contain, you choose to include the fields from another table or structure as a substructure.
2) What are the basic objects of ABAP/4 dictionary?
Tables and structures, views, domains, data Elements,
3) What are the table components?
Fields, Domains and Data Elements.
4) What is a Data Elements?
The data element describes the role of a (technical) domain within a particular business function for the fields concerned and determines how these fields are displayed on the screen.
5) What is a domain?
A domain contains the technical characteristics of a field such as external format, length, and other attributes for all these fields.
6) Where can you change technical characteristics of a field?
Only on domain.
13)What is a key?
The minimal set of fields sufficient to uniquely identify each table line by their values is termed as table key.
14) What is reference table and reference field?
Ref. Table:- Table that contains the reference field
Ref. Field:- Field of the reference table containing the corresponding unit or currency.
A reference field is a table having specific fields that contain either currency amounts (data type CURR) or quantities (data type QUAN) the corresponding field is called reference field.
15) What are the most important parameters involved in the technical settings?
A)Data Class 2) Size Category 3) Buffering Authorization 4) Buffering type 5) Logging.
16) What do you determine from the technical settings?
When the table is created on the database, the necessary information about the storage area and the probable size is determined from technical settings.
17) What are the two approaches to create a table?
a) BOTTOM _ UP( Domain, Data Element, Table)
b) TOP – DOWN ( Table, Data Element, Domain)
18)What is a primary key in a table?
A table can have several keys you have to select one of these keys to access the table records, the key is referred to as the primary key of the table.
19)What is a log table?
It is a log file where changes made to the database are stored.
20) What is a foreign key?
A foreign key is a field in a table that is connected to another table via a foreign key relationship. The purpose of the foreign key relationship is to validate the data being entered into one table by checking against a valid set of values in another table.
21) Foreign key table and check table?
The table that contains a foreign key is called foreign key table. The table that contains the valid set of values is called the check table.
22) What are the technical requirements to create a foreign key?
A) The domain names for the foreign key field and check table field must be the same.
B) The check must occur against a field with the primary key of the check table.
23) What is a compound foreign key?
It’s a foreign key composed of two or more fields. A check is done to compare two fields on the foreign key table against two fields in
the check table.
24) What is a database utility?
Within dictionary lies a database utility tool using it, you can examine and modify tables at the database level.
25) What are the two special tables fields?
Currency fields/Quantity fields. The numeric amount is called currency of data type CURR.
A Quantity field is a field that contains a numeric measurement of data type QUAN.
26) What are key candidates?
In a table fields other than primary key are called key candidates.
27) What is a text table?
A text table is a table that contains spoken language descriptions of values in a check table SPRAS and LANG fields.
28) What is a generic foreign key?
It is a foreign key in which one of the primary key fields of the check table, fields is marked as generic. When a primary key field as generic, it doesn’t have a counter part in the foreign key. Table does not participate in the check.
29) What is a constant foreign key?
Constant foreign key is a compound foreign key where one of the check table field name is replaced by a constant value.
30) What are the adapted foreign key?
Foreign key fields of a compound foreign key do not all have to reside in the same table. If they do not reside to the same table that is known as adapted foreign key.
31) Define value Table?
Within the domain is the value table field. The table named within this field is called by value table. The functions of this table are
a) It is automatically proposed as the check table when creating a foreign key.
b) It provides list of values for F4 help but it does not provide validation.
32) What are aggregate objects?
Views, Match codes and Lock Objects.
These are formed from several tables that are linked to one another.
33) What are join operations?
Join, Projections and Selection. These are relation operators.
Join : Join can be used to collect several tables as a cross product table.
Projection : The relation operator projection removes unnecessary fields from cross product table.
Selection: Restrictions for the fields of the view can be specified in selection conditions(And, Or)
34) How many types of views are there and what are they?
4 types 1) Database Views 2) Projection View 3) Help View 4) Maintenance View.
35) What is a view?
The view is virtual table which consists of selective fields from a single table or multiple table.
36) What are match codes?
A match code is a tool to help you search for data records in the system especially when the key of a record is unknown.
37) What are the two stages to define match codes in ABAP/4?
Match code object and Match Code ID.
38)What is a match code Object?
A match code object describes the set of all possible search path for a search them.
39) What is a match code ID?
Match code Id describes the set of all possible search path for a search term.
40) What is lock mechanism?
Simultaneous accessing of same data record by two users in the system in synchronized by a lock mechanism.
41) What is lock Object?
The tables and key fields in which the data records are to be locked by a lock request are specified in the lock object.
42) what is a lock mode?
The lock mode controls the method by which several users are given access to the same data records at any one time.
43) how many lock mode types are there and what are they?
3 types. E S and X.
E-Exclusive-single user at any one time.
S-Shared-several users can simultaneously display same records.
X-Exclusive but not cumulative.
E can be called several times from the same transaction and are removed successively, but type X can be called only once, any other call is rejected.
44) what are the function modules for setting and releasing locks?
45) what are the differences between database indexes and match codes?
Match code contains fields from several tables where as an index contains fields from only one table.
Match codes can be built on the basis of both transparent and special tables.
46) How many match codes Ids can be defined for a match code object?
47) How many ways are there to add fields to an existing table what are they?
2 types . 1) Inserting. 2) Appending.
48) What is the purpose of data browser?
It enables you to manipulate the data within tables.
49) How many data browser utilities are there in R/3 System?
4 ways SE16, SE17, SM30, SM31. Mostly used is SE16.
50) What is an include chain?
The chain of structures created by including one structure within another is called include chain.
51) What is an index?
An index is an efficiency mechanism for quickly finding rows within a table. An index increases the performance tremendously it will speed up select statements. A select should always be supported by an index. An index could be described as a copy of a database table reduced to specific fields.
52) What is secondary index?
If selections are frequently made involving attributes that cannot contain in the primary index, you should define secondary indexes.
53) What is the maximum number of secondary indexes allowed per table in R/3?
54) What is an index-ID ?
When a table has several indexes, these are distinguished by means of a three-character index-ID.
55) What is table space?
A table space is a physical file on disk that is used to hold tables. Every table is assigned to one table-space.
56) What is a data class?
The data class determines the table-space that the table is assigned to./
The data class determines the physical area of the database (table space) in which the table is created.
57) What are the important data classes?
1) APPL0- Master Data 2) APPL1 – Transaction Data 3) APPL2 – Customizing Data.
58) What is size category?
The size category field enables you to specify the maximum number of records you expect this table to hold ( 0,1,2,3,4)
59) What is an extent?
An extent is the amount of space allocated to a table.
60) What do you mean by buffering a table?
Buffering a table is nothing but, allocating memory for database local to application server.
61) What are the buffering types?
1) Full buffering 2) Generic Buffering 3) Single-Record Buffering.
62) What is nametab ?
An R/3 table exists in two forms, the source that you can display and modify and the compiled form that is used at run time called the run – time object. The run-time object is created when you activate the table and is also known as na
63) What is the role of a nametab?
When you generate the run-time object for the program the definition of the table is not embedded into it. Instead when the programs run-time object is executed, it makes a call to the nametab to determine the table structure of runtime. Thus enables you to change the table or structure without having to regenerate all the ABAP/4 programs that uses it. The dynamically determined the table characteristics at run-time by calling nametab.
64) What is activation?
Creates run-time objects for immediate accessing of data at application server.
65) What is a clip-board operation? How many clip-board operations are there in R/3 , what are they?
A clip-board is for cut and past operations. They are 5 Clip-Boards.
1) The Buffer – Cut and Past within a program.
2, 3, 4, The x, y and z Buffers – Cut and Paste between two programs.
5 The Clip-Board - Cut and Paste between two R/3 Sessions and other window applications.
66) What are the types of tables in R/3?
1) Transparent table – It has one to one relationship with a table in the database, for each transparent table definition in the dictionary, there is one associated table in the database. Transparent tables are much more, then pooled or Cluster Tables . They are used to hold application data.
2) 2) Pooled table – Many to one relationship with table in the database for one table in the database, they are many table in the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
3) Cluster table – Few tables in the R/3 and one table in the database.
1.What is a Transactions?
(A) Transaction is a dialog program, which consists Screens and Module Pools to Read and Change Database tables.
2. What is Dialog Program?
(A) Dialog program is not a stand-alone program and uses Flow logic of screens and processing logic in Module Pools to retrieve and update Database tables.
3. Why Dialog program is not a stand-alone program?
(A) To execute dialog programs, they must be linked to at least one screen. Dialog program is not a stand-alone because the Transaction code, in the dialog program module pool, is controlled by screen flow logic.
4. What is a Screen?
(A) Screen is an Object of Screen Painter.
Screen is an area where you Define and Layout your application specific screen elements.
5. What is Screen Painter?
(A) Screen Painter is an ABAP/4 Development workbench tool to create and design Screens and it’s Flow Logic.
6. Where do you design or edit screen layout?
(A) Full Screen Editor, a toll of Screen Painter is used.
7. What are different modes of Full Screen Editor?
(A) The full screen editor works in two modes: Graphical Mode and Alphanumeric Mode.
In Graphical Mode, you use drag and drop interface ,you use your keyboard and menus.
Graphical Mode is available only on MS Windows 95, MS Windows NT, and Unix/Motif platforms. Alphanumeric Mode is available on all platforms. This documentation describes how to use screen painter in graphical mode.
8. Do you have any tool other than Screen Painter to create screens?
(A) Yes. It is Object Browser a Development tool of ABAP/4 Development Workbench.
9. What are the components of a screen?
(A) Screen attributes :Describe a screen object to the SAP System.
Field Attributes :Correspond to screen elements. Fields are defined in the ABAP/4
Dictionary or in your program.
Screen Layout :Contains an arrangement of screen elements.
Flow Logic :Controls the flow of your program.
10. What is screen size and Explain?
(A) Screen’s size is measured in lines and columns beginning at the upper-left corner. The default screen size is 21 lines by 83 columns. The maximum size of a screen is 200 lines by 240 columns.
11.What is Flow Logic?
(A) Flow logic is code written under PBO & PAI event keywords to process a particular screen.
12. What does the flow logic code consists?
(A) The flow logic consists of statements that are syntactically similar to those in the ABAP/4 programming language. This flow logic does not use the ABAP/4 programming language and the ABAP/4 Editor tool, but a special statement set.
13. Where do you edit the Flow logic?
(A) You define the flow logic in the flow logic editor of the Screen Painter.
14. What is Flow logic Editor?
(A) The flow logic editor is a screen painter tool, having a subset of the functionality provided with the ABAP/4 Editor.
15. What are the Events you use in flow logic?
(A) PBO (Process Before Output) is an Event Keyword which is fired before displaying the screen. PAI(Process After Input) is an Event Keyword which is fired after user input to the screen.
16. What is PBO flow logic and PAI flow logic? Explain.
(A) PBO event keyword along with it’s called module an PAI event keyword along with it’s called module are called PBO flow logic and PAI flow logic respectively.
17. What is Dynpro?
(A) The collection of PBO flow logic, screen, and PAI flow logic is called “Dynamic Program”(Dynpro).
18. What is Processing logic?
(A) Processing logic is the ABAP/4 code written in the modules called by PBO & PAI.
19. What is Dialog session?
(A) Execution of a dynpro chain.
20. How do you write field data to the screen using WRITE statement?
(A) We can’t write field data to the screen using WRITE.
21. How do you transfer field data from ABAP/4 module to the screen and vice versa?
(A) The system transfers data by comparing screen field names with ABAP/4 variable names. If both names are the same, it transfers screen field values to ABAP/4 program fields and vice versa.
22. How user’s request is performed?
(A) In a transaction, the user makes requests by selecting screen pushbuttons, menu functions, function keys, toolbar pushbuttons, icons or the ENTER key.
23. What data is passed to the program?
(A) When user request is performed, the system triggers the PROCESS AFTER INPUT event. The data passed includes field screen data entered by the user and a function code.
24. What is Function Code?
(A) Function code is a technical name that has been allocated in the Screen Painter or Menu Painter to a menu entry, a pushbutton, the ENTER key of a screen.
25. How does the value of Function code is determined?
(A) An internal work field ‘OK_CODE’ in the PAI module evaluates the Function code, and screen flow logic passes this value to ABAP/4 program, so that appropriate action is taken.
26. What is OK_CODE?
(A) OK_CODE is a specially designated internal field with data type ‘OK’ the system copies the Function code name into this field.
This field is global in the ABAP/4 Module Pool.
27. How OK_CODE is defined in the Module program?
(A) The program declaration for an OK_CODE is four characters long.
28. Which system variable holds the value of Function Code?
(A) The function code currently active in a program can also be ascertained from the SY-UCOMM variable.
29. What are the screen elements or window elements that can be assigned by a Function code?
(A) In the Screen Painter :Screen Push Buttons
In the Menu Painter :Menu functions
Function keys
Tool-bar pushbuttons and icons
The ENTER key
30.How do you assign function code to a screen pushbutton?
(A) You can assign a function code, for a pushbutton field, by setting the Function code attribute for that pushbutton.
31. How do you assign function code to screen elements in the Menu Painter?
(A) The GUI status defines the screen elements & function codes.
32. What is GUI status & GUI Title?
(A) GUI status is a set of dynpro elements needed for the transaction at a given time.
GUI title is the title bar text that appears at the top of a windows session.
33. Where do you Define GUI Status and GUI Title bar?
(A) In the Menu Painter.
34. How do you assign GUI Status or GUI Title bar to a screen?
(A) The GUI Status or GUI Title bar for a screen is assigned to the screen by ‘SET’ Keyword in the PBO Event.
35. Is it to possible to assign a GUI Status to several screens?
(A) Yes.
36. If Yes. Why?
(A) It is possible because screens and user interfaces are independent tools of Work Bench.
37. What happens if you set no GUI Status for a screen?
(A) If you do not set a GUI Status for a screen, the system displays that screen with the same GUI elements that were already set for the previous screen.
If the transaction does not have a previous screen, or if you have not set any GUI status yet, the screen will be issued without a user interface.
38. What is User Interface?
(A) Technical features and functions available to the user to exchange information with the computer system.
39. What is GUI status?
(A) Main element of the graphical user interface.
A GUI Status can consist of the following objects:
A menu bar with menus
A standard tool bar
An application tool bar
Functions and function key settings
40. Is it possible to use a part of already defined GUI Status. How?
(A) Yes. The system offers you an additional keyword to deactivate specific menu functions in a GUI-status. The format of this statement is:
41. Why is CLEAR OK_CODE?
(A) CLEAR OK_CODE is required to delete the contents of the field OK_CODE to avoid any unwanted function selection, after processing the function code.
42. How does the deactivated screen elements are displayed?
(A) Deactivated pushbuttons do not appear at all. Deactivated menu function appear (as do function key assignments in the list displayed with the right mouse button), but only in grayed-out form. If the user selects them, nothing happens.
1.What is a Transactions?
(A) It’s a program that conducts a dialog with the user or it’s a collection of screens and abap/4 routines, controlled and executed by a dialog processor. The dialog processor processes screen after screen thereby triggering the appropriate abap/4 processing of each screen.
2.What actually Handling Errors and Messages is?
(A) After entering the screen input the transaction checks the input’s validity before using it. This simplifies the field checking and these features include keywords for programming error-handing as well as dialog-processing runtime environment.
3.What is automatic field check?
(A) Field checks are performed automatically by the system, based on information stored in the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
4. What are FIELD and CHAIN Statements (in the flow logic language)?
(A) The FIELD and CHAIN flow logic statements let you program your own field checks.
5.What is a Dialog Module?
(A) A Dialog Module is a callable sequence of screens that does not belong to a particular transaction. Dialog modules have their own module pools, and can be called by any transaction. FIELD and CHAIN tell the system which fields you are checking, and whether the system should perform checks in the flow logic or call an ABAP/4 module. If errors are found, the system enters an error dialog with the user.
6. What is the MESSAGE statement (in ABAP/4)?
(A) The MESSAGE statement (in ABAP/4) lets you put out messages from an ABAP/4 program. An ABAP/4 program notifies the system of errors by putting out an error message or warning. In response, the system enters its error dialog with the user.
7. What is an error Dialog (performed by the system)?
Errors can be detected either by the system or by an ABAP/4 module. In either case, when an error is found, the system automatically re-displays the screen an puts out a message.
Errors are most often field-specific. In the re-display, the field (or fields) causing the error is input-enabled. The system places the cursor in the error field, and requires the user to re-enter the input. The field checks are then repeated.
Controlling the Screen Flow
SET SCREEN statement merely specifies the next screen: it does not interrupt processing of the current screen. If you want to branch to the next screen without finishing the current one, use LEAVE SCREEN.
The System field SY-DYNNR always contains the number of the current screen.
8. What is CALL SCREEN statement?
(A) The CALL SCREEN statement lets you insert such a sequence into the current one. The syntax for calling up a new screen sequence is CALL SCREEN . There fore CALL SCREEN can be as “stacking” a sequence, since the statement actually suspends the current sequence and starts a new one. The system continues with the new attribute. The user can neither see the field nor enter values into it.
9. What is Processing Screens in Background?
(A) We can suppress entire screens using SUPPRESS DIALOG. This command allows us to perform screen processing “in the background”. The system carries out all PBO and PAI logic, but does not display the screen to the user. Suppressing screens is useful when we are branching to list-mode from a transaction dialog step.
Setting Screen Field Attributes
Every screen field has attributes that you set in the Screen Painter when you define the screen. At runtime, you may want to change these attributes. Depending on what functions the user has requested in the previous screen. At runtime, attributes for each screen field are stored in a memory table called SCREEN. You do not need to declare this table in your program. The system maintains the table for you internally and updates it with every screen change.
To activate a field attribute, set its value to 1. To deactivate it, set it to 0. When you set the ACTIVE attribute to 0. The system suppresses the field and turns off the ready for input.
Using Tables in a Screen
10. What are the two mechanisms for displaying and using table data in a screen?
(A) ABAP/4 offers two mechanisms for displaying and using table data in screen. These mechanisms are Table Controls and Step Loops. Table Controls and Step Loops are types of screen tables you can add to a screen in the Screen Painter.
11. What are Table Controls and Step Loops?
(A) Table controls and Step Loops are objects for screen table display that you add to a screen in the Screen Painter. From a programming standpoint, Table Controls and Step Loops are almost exactly the same. Table Controls are simply enhanced Step Loops that display data with the Look and Feel of table widget in a desktop application. With Table Controls, the user can:
Scroll through the table vertically and horizontally
Re-size the width of column
Scroll within a field (when field contents are wider than the field)
Select table rows or columns
Re-order the sequence of columns
Save the current display settings for future use
One feature of Step Loops is that their table rows can span more than one line on the screen (Table control rows are scrollable).
In general, many of the features provided by the Table Control are handled locally by your system’s SAPGUI front-end. You don’t have to program any of these features (except vertical scrolling) in your ABAP/4 transaction.
12. What the Loop Statement Does?
(A) The LOOP statement is responsible for getting screen table values between the screen and the ABAP/4 program. There fore we code a LOOP statement in both the PBO and PAI events for every table in our screen. So an empty LOOP….ENDLOOP must be there.
Using the LOOP Statement
13. What are the Dynpro Keywords used between a LOOP and its ENDLOOP?
(A) Between a LOOP and its ENDLOOP, you can user the FIELD, MODULE, SELECT, VALUES and CHAIN dynpro keywords. Most often, you use the MODULE statement to call an ABAP/4 module.
You must code a LOOP statement in both the PBO and PAI events for each table in your
Static and Dynamic Step Loops
Step Loops fall into two classes: Static and Dynamic. Static Step Loops have a fixed size that cannot be changed at runtime. Dynamic Step Loops are variable in size. If the user re-sizes the window, the system automatically increases or decreases the number of Step Loop block displayed. In any given screen, you can define any number of static Step Loops, but only a single dynamic one.
You specify the class for a Step Loop in the Screen Painter. Each loop in a screen has the attributes loop type (fixed = static, variable = dynamic) and loop count. If a loop is fixed, the loop count tells the number of loop-blocks displayed for the loop. This number can never change.
Programming with static and dynamic Step Loops is essentially the same. You can use both the LOOP and LOOP AT statements for both types.
1. What is sap script ?.
A : The text editor supplied with the R/3 system for creating and editing documentation is called sap script.
2. What is the path of layout set?
A: Tools---word processing---layout set or transaction code is SE 71.
3. What is the length of the layout set name ?
A: It is 16 characters and must begin with a letter.
4 : What is the layout set?
A : In sap script layout set describes the layout of the individual print pages and uses text elements to supply definable out put blocks that a print program can call. The general application layout sets are Orders, Order acknowledgements, Invoices, Urging letters.
5.what are the elements of layout sets?
• Header data.
• Paragraphs.
• Character Strings.
• Windows.
• Pages.
• Page Windows.
• Text Elements.
Header data: This is general information about layout set. Such as user ID of the person who created it, a short text about layout set and global control data.
Paragraphs: These are real layout elements in sap script. Every text entered in the editor consists of various paragraphs.
Character String: These are layout elements relevant for a section of text with in a Paragraph. They are inserted in the continuous text.
Windows: These are logical units, which do not have a physical position on the Page, and they have a name, which reflects the purpose of the text to be displayed in the Window.
Pages: One or more pages that are to appear in the layout set are defined here. The user determines the page sequence by specifying the next page of the layout set in the header data.
Page windows: A page window is defined by specifying the position and Size of the layout set window on a layout set page. A page window describes position of the window on a specific page of the layout set and before the area in which the text can be out put in the layout set.
Text elements: sap Script calls the individual text components of a layout set text elements. To achieve good structuring and readability, u assign a fixed name to each text elements in the layout set. The print program then uses these names to access the elements. The text elements are related to window, that is, a print program can call for each window only those text elements that exist in this Window.
6. How many window types are there in layout set?
A. Three, they are
1) Constant - same contents and size on all layout set pages.
2) Variable - windows are processed again for each page.
3) Main - controls page break. It contains text body that may cover several pages.
17.what is the text header in layout set?
A. The text header is a structure. It contains administrative information such as
- Title of the text module
- Creation data (date, time, creator)
- Change information (date, time, user who made last change)
- Allocated style and / or allocated layout set
- Text format
18. What are the activate text elements?
Set, Append, Delete.
Set replaces all active text elements of the window by the current one (default)
Append: It appends the current text elements to the active text elements.
Delete it deletes the current text element from the list of active text elements.
Note: Active text elements are all text elements the system already outputs to the window when the current page is called.
19. What are the output areas in the main window?
Ans.: Top Area. Bottom Area. Body.
20. What are the include texts in SAP script?
Ans: To include the contents of one text into another we use the statement include to specify.
The text to be included, you must enter the text name with the INCLUDE statement.
21. What is a layout set name?
Layout set name is the name assigned by the user who created it.
22. How many types of symbols are there in SAP script ?
Ans : There are four(4) types of symbols in SAP script and they are
a) System symbols b) Standard symbols. C) Program Symbols d) Text symbols.
23. System symbols: These can be used in all kinds of text. The names of the system symbols are fixed. EX : Current date, Current Month, current time etc.
24. What are Standard Symbols.
Ans : These are defined in the TTDTG table. This table contains both the names of each symbol and its value. This table is delivered complete with standard entries with customer specific symbols.
25. What are the program symbols?
Ans. The name of a program symbol consists of the table name and the field name separated by a hyphen. Symbols that obtain their values from this kind of data area are called program symbols. The value of a program symbol is limited up to a maximum of 225 characters.
26. What are the texts symbols?
All symbols, which do not correspond to one of the three types of symbol described above, are text symbols. You define the value of a text symbol yourself in the text module.
27. What is the STYLE for formatting out put ?
The output formats of sap script texts are controlled by character and paragraph format.
All output formats you may use for a certain text are combined in a style.
28. What are the STYLE Elements?
STYLE Elements are three, those are
a) HEADER DATA :- In the header data you can find a short description of the style and a default paragraph.
b) Paragraph formats and attributes(Paragraph formats control the formatting of paragraphs in sap script.
c) Character formats and attributes.(Character formats are used for text formatting within paragraphs.
29. What are the processing options in style.
STYLE maintenance three processing options are
a) Create/change 2) Display 3) Catalog(Searching).
30. How you can call layout set to the ABAP/4 program?
a) Open _ form b) Write _ form c) Close _ form.
31. What are the alignments of tabs in paragraph formats?
You can define as many tab positions as you require for each paragraph format, the text can be aligned in different ways. Left, Right, Center, Sign and Decimal.
32) What are the measurement units to define a tab position?
a) CH Characters. b) CM Centimeter. C) MM Millimeter d) PT Pointer e) TW (Twips1/20point).
33) How to attach the logo into your layout set?
First you create the bitmap file, then it converts into TIFF file and then run the executable file RSTXLDMC.
34) TIFF -- Tagged Image File Format.
ITF -- Interchange Text Format.
RTF -- Rich Text Format.
ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange
JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group.
MPEG – Movie
GIF -- Graphic Interchange Format.
1) What is a Batch Input. OR Batch Data Communication?
The SAP System offers tow primary methods for transferring data into the System from other SAP Systems and non-SAP Systems. These two methods are collectively called
‘Batch Input’ or Batch Data Communication’.
2) What are the advantages of Batch Input technique for transferring data?
a) No manual interaction is required during data transfer. If the data to be transferred is already available in electronic form (on a tape, for example), then you can enter the data automatically into the SAP System using batch input.
b) B) Batch input ensures data integrity.—Batch input enters data into the SAP System using the same transactions that interactive users do. Batch input data is therefore submitted to all of the checks and controls that apply to data entered by normal interactive means.
3) What are the batch input processing methods?
b) ABAP/4 CALL TRANSACTION USING statement to run an SAP transaction.
c) Classical Batch Reporting(input).
4) What are the typical uses of Batch Input ?
a) Transferring data from another system when you install your SAP System.
b) Regularly transferring data that is captured by a non-SAP System in your company into the SAP System.
5) What are the steps followed for transferring data with Batch input.?
Data Analysis.
Generate SAP Structures.
Develop transfer program.
Create sequential File.
Create Batch Input Program.
Process Batch input data.
Analysis Result.
Analysis Error Session.
6) How do you generate SAP data structure ?
Choose Tools –-> ABAP/4 workbench and then ABAP/4 Dictionary.
In the ABAP/4 Dictionary, select Environment- Generate table description.
7) What are the data type/format of legacy data to be transferred ?
The data must be character format..
No piece of data may be longer then its target SAP field.
If the data is shorter then the target field, you must left-justify it within the SAP field(pat it with blanks at he right end).
8) What is the purpose of Batch Input Program?
Read data in, often from a sequential file that has been exported from another system or prepared by a data transfer program.
If necessary, perform data conversations or error- checking.
Prepare the data for batch input processing by storing the date id the batch input data structure, BDCDATA.
Generate a batch input session for classical batch input, or process the data directly with
9) What is the BDCDATA structure ?
BDCDATA structure is the batch input structure stores the data that is to be entered into SAP System and the actions that are necessary to process the data. The batch input structure is used by all of the batch input methods. You can use the same structure for all types of batch input, regardless of whatever you are creating a session in the batch input queue or using CALL TRANSACTION USING or CALL DIALOG.
10) How do you declare BDCDATA structure ?
DATA : Begin of
Include structure bdcdata
DATA : End of .
11) Explain in detail about fields of a BDCDATA structure?
DYNAPRO – Number of the screen. Length(4). Set this field only in the first record for the screen.
DYNABEGIN – Indicates the first record for the screen. Length (1). Set this field to x only in the first record for the screen (Reset to ‘(blank) for all other records.
PROGRAM – Name of the program. Length (8). The PROGRAM field is not case sensitive. Set this field only in the first record for the screen.
FNAM – Name of a field in the screen. Length (35). The FNAM field is not case sensitive.
FVAL – Value for the field named in FNAM. Length(80). The FVAL field is case sensitive. Values assigned to this field are always padded on the right if they are less than 80 characters. Values must be in character format.
12) Describe BDCDATA structure fields?
Description of BDCDATA Structure.
PROGRAM CHAR 8 BDC Module pool
DYNPRO NUMC 4 BDC Dynpro number
DYNBEGIN CHAR 1 BDC Starting a dynpro
FNAM CHAR 35 BDC Field Name
FVAL CHAR 80 BDC Field Value
13) How do you create a Batch Input Session?
To create a session, program the following procedure using the following BDC_ function modules:
a) Open the batch-input session using function module BDC_OPEN_GROUP.
b) For each transaction in the session,
Fill the BDCDATA structure with values for all screens and fields that must be processed in the transaction. (For more info, please see using Batch Input Data structure)
Transfer the transaction to the session with BDC_INSERT.
c) Close the batch input session with BDC_CLOSE_GROUP.
14) Explain role of parameters of BDC_OPEN_GROUP function module?
CLIENT - Client in which the session is to be processed default If you don’t provide a value for this parameter, the default is the client under which the batch input program runs when the session is created.
GROUP - Name of the session that is to be treated. May be up to 12 characters long. Default: none . You must specify a session name.
HOLDDATE – Lock date. The session is locked and may not be processed until after the date that you specify. Only a system administrator with the LOCK authorization for the authorization object Batch Input Authorization can unlock and run a session before this date.
Format YYYYMMDD (8 digits)
Default : No lock date, session can be processed immediately. A lock date is optional.
KEEP – Retain session after successful processing. Set this option to the value X to have a session kept after it has been successfully processed. A session that is kept remains in the input/output queue until an administrator deletes it. Sessions that contain errors in transactions are kept even if KEEP is not set.
Default : if not set, then sessions that are successfully processed are deleted. Only the batch input log is kept.
USER – Authorizations user for background processing. This is the user name that is used for checking authorizations if a session is started in background processing. The user must be authorized for all of the transactions and functions that are to be executed in a session. Otherwise, transactions will be terminated with “no authorizations” errors.
The user can be of type dialog or ------ dialog users are normal interactive users in the SAP system. Background users are user master records that are specially defined for providing authorizations for background processing jobs.
15) What are the parameters of BDC_OPEN_GROUP function module?
16) What are the parameters of BDC_INSERT function module.
17)Explain role of parameters of BDC_INSERT function module?
BDC_INSERT takes the following parameters:
* TCODE – The code of the transaction that is to be run.
TCODE is an EXPORTING parameter in the function module.
• POST_LOCAL – parameter to update data locally. If POST_LOCAL = ‘X’, data will be updated locally.
• DYNPROTAB – The BDCDATA structure that contains the data that is to be processed by the transaction. DYNPROTAB is a tables parameter in the function module.
18) How do you process the Batch Input Session.?
Session processing can be started in two ways.
• An on-line user can start the session using the batch input menu options. (To access the batch input options, choose system Services Batch input)
• You can submit the background job RSBDCSUB to start a session in background processing. If several sessions have the same name RSBDCSUB starts them all.
19) What are the parameters of BDC_CLOSE_GROUP function module?
BDC_CLOSE_GROUP needs no parameters. It automatically closes the session that is currently open in your program.
20) Explain the batch input data transfer by CALL TRANSACTION USING?
A Display all
E Display only Error
N No display.
S Continue processing when update is completed (Synchronous )
A Continue processing immediately
L Local update
21) Explain the batch input data transfer by CALL DIALOG?