Frequently Asked Questions on Authorization
Role & Profile
What is the difference between role and a profile?
Role and profile go hand in hand. Profile is bought in by a role. Role is used as a template, where you can add T-codes, reports..... Profile is one which gives the user authorization. When you create a role, a profile is automatically created.
Personalization Tab Within PFCG
Please expalin the personalization tab within a role.
Personalization is a way to save information that could be common to users, I meant to a user role... E.g. you can create SAP queries and manage authorizations by user groups. Now this information can be stored in the personalization tab of the role. (I supposed that it is a way for SAP to address his ambiguity of its concept of user group and roles: is "usergroup" a grouping of people sharing the same access or is it the role who is the grouping of people sharing the same access?)
Table of authorisation field settings
Is there a table for authorisations where I can quickly see the values entered in a group of fields?
In particular I am looking to find the field values for P_ORGIN across a number of authorisation profiles, without having to drill down on each profile and authorisation.
AGR_1251 will give you some reasonable info.
Table with deleted users
Someone has deleted users in our system, and I am eager to find out who. Is there a table where this is logged?
Debug or use RSUSR100 to find the infos.
Run transaction SUIM and down its Change documents.
How can I make T_Code SPRO Read Only
I have a requirement to make SPRO read only. As you know it has a tree like structure and to make it read only seems like impossible.
You cannot make SPRO 100% display only by ANY setting. The SCC4 option only turns configuration tables to not-modifyable but still allows the non-config delivery class tables (or those configured to be changeable) to be modifed. It does nothing for the tcodes that are NOT table maintenance and not controlled by S_TABU_DIS. These will still allow configuration. All the tcodes in the SPRO are in several tables CUST_ACTOBJ (spelling?) is one.
You only real option is to create a role with all the tcodes in them that are in the SPRO , remove the create and change to display ( generally by changing the last nunmer on the 4 digit tcodes to 3) and removing all the Create and change access in all the activities and allow only the display.
PFCG allows you to create a role from a SPRO project so the usermenu will come close to the SPRO menu, which your changes it will be display.
Mass Delete of Old Roles
How can i do a mass delete of the roles without deleing the new roles.
There is a SAP delivered report that you can copy, remove the system type check and run. To do a landscape with delete, enter the roles to be deleted in a transport, run the delete program or manually delete and then relase the transport and import them into all clients and systems.
To used it, you need to tweak/debug & replace the code as it has a check that ensure it is deleting SAP delivered roles only. Once you get past that little bit, it works well.
Proper way to delete a SAP client
Here goes:
1. log into the client to delete
2. go into SCC5 and delete client
3. log into another client and delete entry with SCC4
4. reorg database to recover database space.
Actually, if you check "on" the little "Delete Entry from T000" checkbox, you can skip step 3.
One other way of deleting a client which could give significant performance gain and save time is at OS level using - R3trans
To delete a client 200, you have to create a command file "del200" with following entries
Client = 200
Select *
Place the command file in /usr/sap/trans/bin
$ cd /usr/sap/trans/bin
$ R3trans –w
e.g $ R3trans -w del200.log -u 1 del200
To check the progress...
$ tail -f del200
Reorg the database post client delete
How SAP Router Works?
SAProuter examines any incoming data packets, checks the route and authorization and then sends them to their specified targets. The partner that sets up the connection specifies the route (from SAProuter to SAProuter and to the target). This procedure is known as source routing.
If you want a connection, from a SAPgui to an R/3 System for example, to run through a SAProuter, then you need to enter the route in the SAPgui command line.
You can use SAProuter if there is no direct IP connection between the communication partners. SAProuter must be running on a host that is connected to both IP networks. It can then receive data from the SAPgui in one IP network and relay it to the R/3 server in another IP network, and vice versa. Normal IP routing is used between the application programs and the SAProuters.
Connections established using SAProuter have the additional advantage that no end-to-end connections between the participating system are necessary on network level. For example, if accessing a frontend PC on an R/3 server with an intermediate SAProuter, it is not necessary to define the complete path between the two systems at TCP/IP level. It is
sufficient if both parties can reach the SAProuter. From an SAP communication viewpoint, this represents a point of concentration in your network that serves as a starting point for each subconnection.
Each subnetwork stored logically behind a SAProuter is therefore reduced to the network address of the SAProuter.
Without SAProuter, the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses must be unique, which cannot always be guaranteed, particularly on international networks.
With SAProuter it is possible to connect two points that have unofficial,or even identical, IP addresses. Therefore, it is rarely
necessary to adapt existing address topologies using official IP addresses.
SAP Online Service & Support now only supports SAProuter connections due to these advantages. Because SAP routes all accesses to internal systems (such as SAPNet - R/3 Frontend) and all service connections via SAProuter, the connection between SAP and the customer is reduced to a single SAProuter - SAProuter connection.
Maximum No. Of SAP Session Per User
You set this Parameter : rdisp/max_alt_modes in transaction RZ10.
Add in the above parameter in the Instance Profile - Options Extended Maintenance.
Restart the R/3 instance.
The default maximum no. of sessions in 4.6x is set as 6 session per user.
Most company will reduced the number of session per user but not increase it.
Automatically logged off the frontend SAPGUI
You can set Parameter : rdisp/gui_auto_logout in transaction RZ11.
If no entry is made for rdisp/gui_auto_logout (in seconds), the frontend is automatically logged off.
If the parameter has the value 0, there will be no automatic logoff.
To change the parameter value,
First, display the parameter value with transaction RZ11.
Once in the display screen, you will be able to click the Change Value button to modify your desired value
Disable SAP USERS to logon multiple times
Set the parameter in RZ10.
login/multi_login_users = set to 1 to activate
login/disable_multi_gui_login = you can put a list of users that should be allow to logon multiple times
List the user IDs separated by commas ",".
Do not leave space characters between user IDs.
Restart the R/3 instance to see the changes.
Suppress SAP Multi Login Message
You can suppress the multi login message by setting the parameter in the instance profile.
It is necessary if your company allows a single users to have multiple login and there tends to be cases where users will choose Options 1 which terminates the rest with the same user IDs. This can result in loss of data as the users may have not click the save button.
Use transaction code 'RZ10'.
Parameter name : login/multi_login_users
In this parameter, enter the name of all the users separated by "," comma for which you want to suppress the message while multi login with the same user IDs.
Take note that the multi login counter still counts even though you have suppress the message.
Post Installation Task after successful R/3 46c
Generally you need to :-
1. import profiles (default, instance, start) into SAP R3
1.1 add/modify instance parameters such as
rdisp/max_wp_run, abap/timeout,
zcsa/system_languages, and so on...
2. update the R3trans and tp tools with the last ones available on sapnet
3. configure TMS (systems,layer and routes).
You can do it with virtual systems if you have only one SAP system
4. update SPAM/SAINT
5. check via Tcde db02 (with refresh option) the available space for TS other
than SYSTEM TS.( for the others %used must be less than 90)
5.1 check to see critical objects (table/index)
5.2 extend (via sapdba tools -> option TS administration) all TS which
shown critical objectsfor example:
PSAPPOOLI + 100M ...
You can get necessary via Note 195446 (for language import) and Note 118823 (for client copy)
5.3 refresh again in db02 and check the %used space
6. import language other than the default (DE & EN) if necessary
7. Client copy
8. configure printer (SPAD)
9. create user
10. change system user password such as SAP* , DDIC, and so on ...
Error you might encounter at the end of client copy :-
"there is a window "change and transport system not configured" Status is cancelled.
To rectify the errors :-
You need to configure CTS via tcde STMS for your SAP system.
If it's your only sap system, then:
- configure it as domain controller: run Tcde STMS and accept the default proposed domain
controller which is your system
- define one or two virtual system (Menu overview-->system then Menu
SAP system-->create-->virtual system)
- Menu Environment --> transport routes then press F5 and Menu Edit
Transport layer to create a "Z" layer for example "ZDEV"
Create a transport route between your real sap system and the virtual system
by using the two layers: "Z" layer and "SAP" standard layer
- save and distribute the TMS configuration
That is the main action you have to do to setup CTS.
SAP Client Copy
Before doing a client copy, you need to prepare the following :-
1. Find the source client space with the client size custom program which can be implemented using the rel. note:
Find the space of the client - '0118823'. This will give you the size of the source client.
2. If your are on Unix OS, adjust all the file systems according to PRD file system to fit the PRD client in DEV
client based on space requirements also.
3. You can do the client copy by remote or export/import client.
Remote method is not preferred if you are doing a large client copy.
Do a client export/import.
4. To speed up the export/import, use R3trans export/import for the clustered tables.
Please find the rel. notes related to performance improvements for cluster tables in OSS.
5. Do import and post processing.
Note: Export may take 10 to 20 hr. for 50gb of data
import may take 4 days and post import will take 8 to 15 hr. for 50gb of data. And it all depends on
your system performance.
Please refer OSS rel. notes for the few RZ10 parameters which needs to be set for cluster tables to speed up the process.
Note :-
If it is a fresh installation, do this --
1. SCC4 --> Create client no. and fill other details.
2. Logon to the newly created client with SAP* and PASS as password.
3. SCCL --> choose any profile (preferably SAP_ALL), source client 000 and target client
4. Preferably do a test run initially to check if it can go well.
5. As a care check space in databases.
Copy a Client into a Stand Alone System
How to copy a client into a stand alone system?
The scenario is I have a 2 system landscape. I want to copy an existing client from DEV to a standalone system for some demo purposes.
There is an option for Client TRANSPORT which will help you perhaps:
A client transport differs from a remote client copy in that it does not use RFC. Like a remote client copy, however, a client transport is used to copy data between different R/3 Systems.
A client transport consists of two steps. First, a client export extracts client data from the source client to files at the operating system level. Second, the data is imported from the operating systemfiles into the target client.
To perform a client export, proceed as follows:
Log on to the source client. From the R/3 initial screen, choose:
*Tools *(r) *Administration *(r) *Administration *(r) *Client Admin. *(r) *Client Transport*(r) *Client Export*. Select the data to be copied using a profile.
Indicate the target system to which the client will be copied. (The target system must be defined in TMS as part of the transport domain.)
Begin the client export. As copying is a lengthy process, use scheduled background processing. The client export performed in the source system
3 data files at operating system level:
. RT< number >; this file contains client-specific data
. RO< number >; this file contains Cross-client data
. RX< number >; this file contains SAPscript texts
Depending on the type of data selected through the client transport profile, the client copy command
files added to the buffer of the target system are
The client export change requests are not imported when an Import all takes place. Therefore, you must import these requests into the target client using TMS. You must import the data in the following order: first cross-client data, then client- specific data.
After the import process has completed, post-import activities are required possible for object generation steps. After completing the import, log on to the target client. From the R/3 initial screen, choose:
*Tools *(r) *Administration *(r) *Administration *(r) *Client Admin. *(r) *Client Transport *(r) *ImportEditing*
To display client transport logs, use the Transport Organizer.During client transport, a Repository consistency check can be performed by clicking the RFC system check button in Transaction SCC8. If inconsistencies are detected, a list of the ABAP Dictionary tables definitions missing in the target system is generated. This will help your recognize in advance formal problems that may occur during the import of the source data.
Copy users from DEV to PRD
1. Login to the client in your DEV system from where you want to copy.
2. Execute scc8. Select the profile sap_user.
Specify the target system.
Click on 'schedule as background job'.
3. Specify the background server name i.e. the server name where your DEV system is available.
4. Click on 'schedule job' button.
Verify the things and click on 'continue' button.
5. You will have options to specify the start time.
Specify to suit your convenience.
You can see the log in scc3.
6. Login to the destination client and execute scc6.
Specify the request number which was created during scc8.
You need to specify only one request number. Other(s) will be taken automatically.
Click on 'Prepare import'.
7. Specify the target client and click on 'Import'.
Log can be checked in scc3.
Best regards,
What is a Logical system?
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Logical system
Hello !
Does anybody know what "logical system" is ??? I have read help in =
transaction SCC4 already, but I'm confused more than before ... :-))) =
What it is good for ? What is the reason for defining it ?
Give me an explanation, please ...
Thanks !
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Logical system
'logical system' is used to identify an individual client in a system, for ALE
communication between SAP systems. That's why you see a field for 'logical
system' in the client master data in SCC4 (table T000). You use logical systems
in ALE config - this should be documented further in the IMG guide, or SALE and
BALE transactions.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Logical system
Just a note of warning regarding choosing the Logical System name.
I know of one site where it was chosen such that it depended on the actual
system name and, therefore, had to be changed after copying production back to
acceptance. The process ran for two to three days! I have not examined how the
logical system name is used but it would appear that selection should be made
carefully to avoid the need for this if the architecture can support it.
Perhaps someone with more experience of this object could comment on its usage
and name selection.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Logical system
yes - you should use a naming convention for the logical system names which
includes distinct IDs depending on:
System ID (SID), and client number, and maybe also system number if you have
more than one instance per host machine. Hostname would be useful too, but I
think there's only 10 characters in v3.1x (maybe more with long name
functionality in 4.x ??).
eg., in DEV box , sys no 00, client 100, choose something like 'DEV00_100'.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Logical system
You state that a logical system appears to be nothing more than another label
for a client. I think (certainly cannot say I know!) that it is a little more
than that: I think it is an externally visible label for a client within a
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Logical system
I had interpreted the term "logical" as meaning it had no relationship to a
specific instance. That's how I would use the term anyway. I take it from your
remarks and others on this thread that it is, in fact, a very instance and
client specific label - really very physical and not at all virtual/logical.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Logical system
I know from experience that the logical system must be defined or you get
error messages all over the place during order processing stating the
logical system has not been defined.
The logical system is defined in the IMG. Don't know the transaction
identifier, but in 4.* it is found in the IMG > Cross Application Components
> Distribution ALE > Basic settings > Logical systems > Define logical
systems. Here the entry is just an identifier and a text entry.
As you stated, it is assigned to the Client in Tx SCC4. (The next step in
the IMG)
I went to the IMG for help. Here is the extract at "Logical systems" level:
"Logical Systems.
The distribution of systems ( ALE ) makes it necessary to be able to
identify every system individually within a network. The "logical system" is
used to do this.
A logical system is an application system within which the applications are
coordinated to work in one database. In the SAP sense of the word, a logical
system corresponds to a client.
In the following steps, you must define every client as a logical system by
first of all defining logical systems and then assigning the clients in
question to the corresponding logical systems.
Assignments must be unique (that is, a client may only be assigned to one
logical system.
Several clients must never be assigned to the same logical system."
Reading this it does seem that it is nothing more than another identifier
for a "Client".
Hope it helps,
-----End of Message-----
SAP Maintenance transport requests work flow
An example of a basic principle and flow is:-
1. A request for a change is submitted to support team
2. Change is done in DEV (if approved) and tested by support team (limited testing only due to lack of productive data)
3. Change is transported to TST
4. User testing takes place
5. User approves or rejects (giving reasons)
6. System manager approves the change to go into PRD
7. Change is transported to PRD
All transports are done by the support team.
If a change is urgent it is transported straight away, if not they are batched up and done once a week.
The Workflow can be controlled by a software like a Lotus Notes database so you can have a record of approval at every step.
Note :-
The system manager is the manager of the support team. The system "belongs" to him i.e. it is his responsibility and he has the final say on what goes into the PRD system. 99.999% of the time he will approves the change, this is mainly a way of keeping him informed of what changes are happening in the system.
Many companies uses the core modules MM, PP, FI, CO. The problem with transporting single transports is that if it is a program, the complete program buffer is reloaded therefore giving a performance hit. Therefore you tend to leave them and just have one performance hit per week (although most weeks there are no program changes). When you are in production the number of transports will settle down to a reasonable figure. Maybe about 10 transports a week, and most of those are material groups (which, although they are user data, they are classed as customising). This rises if you are doing any modifications or changing business processes etc, but 10 is about quite normal for most.
SAP 4.7 Enterprise Install Failure "FRF-00007
SAP 4.7 Enterprise Install Failure "FRF-00007 Unable to open RFC connection"
During the Install of SAP 4.7 Enterprise the installation fails with "FRF-00007 Unable to open RFC connection" when you are prompted to enter the DDIC password.
The solution I found was that you need to stop the install then log ito SAP with the User SAP* with password - "06071992" then change the DDIC password to whatever you want.
Once done restart the install and continue to the stage where you need to install the DDIC password, enter the changed password and the installation will continue without errors.
The only OSS notes related to this was "Press the continue button" and the installation may continue, or restart the installation.
SAP Installation Procedure on WIN 2k Adv Server
With Compliments by: Bhanu Prakash Pogula
Connect HDD with cable
Win 2000 installation.
1. Go to bios set up by pressing continuously clicking del on start.
2. change the first bootable device to CD.
3. insert the CD and RESTART system.
4. click any key to boot from CD.
5. click ENTER
6. click ENTER again
7. Click on C ( to continue)
8. click on F8 ( to agree)
9. partitions C: 4197Mb, D 12000Mb, E 6000Mb
10. select C drive
11. click ENTER to install
12. click ENTER again to continue
automatically restarts, set up continues.
13. click on NEXT
14. click on NEXT
15. click on NEXT
16. key RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
17. click on NEXT
18. TYPE no of concurrent connections 9
19. click on NEXT
21. click on NEXT
22. remove IIS (deselect)
23. click on NEXT
24. enter date & time
25. click on NEXT
26. finish
Creating partitions for new disk.
1. right click on unallocated space.
3. click on NEXT
4. click on NEXT
5. type 11320 (partition size)
6. click on NEXT
7. click on NEXT
8. type file system NTFS
9. click on quick format
10. click on NEXT
11. click on FINISH
12. again right click on unallocated space
13. repeat the exercise from point 5 but for complete size
C drive contains operating system
E/D drive contain 46C software
S drive contains SAP software..
MY COMPUTERà propertiesà advanced à performance optionsàchange,
1. Select S drive.
2. type initial =1600& max =1652
3. click on SET
4. click on OK
5. click on OK
6. click on OK
1. click on NEXT
2. click on NEXT
3. select ad a new device
4. click on NEXT
5. select (now I want to select from Hardware list)
6. click on NEXT
7. select network adaptors,
8. click on NEXT
9. select MICROSOFT
10. click on NEXT
11. click on NEXT
12. click on FINISH
13. close all windows
14. right click on MY NETWORK PLACES,
15. go to properties,
16. right click on local area connections
17. should be able to see Microsoft loopback adaptor on the screen.
18. select properties
19. select TCP/IP
20. click on properties
21. select ( use the following IP addresses)
22. type IP addresses
23. subnet mass
24. click on OK
25. select show icon on Task bar
26. click on OK
27. close all windows.
2. select C drive, WIN NT, system 32 , DRIVERS, etc
3. double click on HOSTS
4. open with note pad
5. go to end of the page
6. type IP address
7. press TAB once
8. type 46cides
9. press TAB twice
10. click on SAVE
11. click on EXIT
12. RESTART sytem
Software contains three folders
1. 46cides ( a. KERNEL, b. ORACLE 817, c.ORACLE PATCHES
1. 46CIDESàoracle 817à NTài386àsetup run the set up by double clicking
2. click on NEXT
3. source path …………
destination path : S:\oracle\ora81
4. click on NEXT
5. click on NEXT
6. click on NEXT
8. click on NEXT
9. click on INSTALL
10. click on OK
11. click on EXIT
12. click on YES
13. close all windows
14. startà programsàadmin toolsà services
16. select all ORACLE releated services ONE BY ONE.
1. set up (double click)
2. click on NEXT
3. click on NEXT
4. click on INSTALL
5. click on INSTALL
6. click on EXIT
1. double click on IMMC
2. click on NEXT
3. I agree
4. click on NEXT
5. click on NEXT
6. click on NEXT
7. click on FINISH
1. double click on R3DLLINS
2. click on Ok
3. close all windows
1. double click on R3 SET UP
3. click on NEXT
4. click on NEXT
5. click on NEXT at 85%
6. click on NEXT automatically logs off
7. login and control+alt+del
Startàprogramsàsap system for INDà install CENTRAL INSTANCE
1. click on NEXT
2. type instance no OO,
3. click on NEXT
4. click on NEXT
5. click on NEXT
6. click on NEXT
7. click on NEXT
8. click on NEXT
9. click on NEXT
10. click on NEXT
11. click on NEXT
12. type LOCATION OF KERNEL CD E:\46cides\kernel
13. click on NEXT
14. password AAA
15. click on NEXT
16. password AAA
17. click on NEXT
19. click on NEXT
20. click on NEXT
21. click on NEXT
22. click on NEXT
23. click on EXIT when finished
Startà programsà SAP set up system for INDà install database instance
1. click on NEXT
2. click on NEXT
3. click on NEXT
4. click on NEXT
5. click on NEXT
6. click on NEXT
7. click on NEXT
8. click on NEXT
9. click on NEXT
10. click on NEXT
11. click on NEXT
12. click on NEXT
13. click on NEXT
14. click on NEXT
15. click on NEXT
16. type location of CDS for KERNEL : E:\ 46cides\KERNEL
17. click on NEXT
18. password AAA
19. click on NEXT
20. click on NEXT
21. click on NEXT
22. click on NEXT
23. click on EXIT at 32%
24. log off
25. log in
26. user à ind adm
27. passwordà AAA
28. OK
1. double clik on R# set up file
2. select database R3S
3. open
4. type pass word AAA
5. click on NEXT
6. at 91% password AAA
7. at 93% start MMC
8. click on NEXT
9. at 100% EXIT
10. click on STOP MMC
11. restart system
E:\apgui320\gui\windows\win 32\setup(double click)
1. click on NEXT
2. click on INSTALL
3. click on FINISH
4. click on SAP logon
5. select NEW
7. type application server : 46CIDES
8. type system no : 00
9. start MMC
10. close MMC
11. log in SAP
12. client 000, user sap* password 06071992
13. txn code SM28
15. RESULT : NO ERROR REPORTED ( in installation)
Description à Student
Click on SAVE
Go to overviewà transport routes
Select display change mode (second icon)
Configurationàstandard configurationà single system ( main menu)
Click on Enter
Click on Enter
F3 (to go back)
RZ 10
Utilitiesà import profiles of active servers
Click on Enter
Click on F3 (to go back)
Profile click on F4
Select EXTEND MAINTà change
Select create paramaeters9 icon)
Type paramter name : rdisp/max-wprun-time
Type parameter value ; 3000
Copy icon
Go back
Click Yes
Paramater name : abap\ field exit
Value ; YES
Select COPY icon, go back à YES
Create parameter
: login/system-client
: 800
select copy iconàgo back à yes
create parameter
select COPY icon – go back à YES
again go back
click on YES
click on SAVE
click on YES
click on ENTER
click on ENTER
TXN : SU01
user : sapuser
select : create icon
address logon data
title go on clicking ENTER no of times
first name initial password : abc
last name repeat pass word : abc
Logon language : En
Output device ; LP01
Select : Out put immediately & decimal
Type 1. SAP – ALL
Log off from SAP
Login to SAP
type user : sapuser password : abc
new password : abap
repeat password : abap
txn : SALE
IMGàerror handlingàbasic work flow settings
Go back
Txn 00w4
Create icon
Prefix no 978
System ID IND
Client 000
Click on Save
Local object
Cancel X
Prefix no 972
System ID IND
Client 800
Click on Save
Local object
Cancel X
Program name : Z FIRST
ACCESS KEY : 36687663221261278694
Click on SAVE
Log off from SAP
Log into SAP
Client : 800
User : sap
Pass word : 06071992
RUN txn SU01 for 000 client
Log off from SAP
Log into SAP
Client : 800
User : sap
Pass word : abc
Click on ENTER
Enter new password : abap
Stop MMC
What is the best way to refresh QA from PRD?
How to make a system copy:
1. Take offline backup of both the server (source and target servers)
2. Verify the backup is successfully done.
3. Run the following command on source system.
a. Login as
b. svrmgrl
c. connect internal
d. alter database backup controlfile to trace;
e. exit;
f. Above command will generate a .trc file in /oracle/P01/saptrance/usertrace directory.
g. Copy the text from CREATE CONTROLFILE until the (;) and paste it in to any new .sql or controlfile.sql file.
h. Copy the controlfile.sql to target system.
i. Edit the file and replace the entire source SID to target SID.
j. Edit the reuse database command with the set database command
4. Copy the aft generated during the backup file from the source system to target system. (/oracle/
a. Change all the source
b. Only don't change the backup volume name it must be target system
c. Copy the above aft file name line from the source back
5. Shutdown the target server instance.
6. From this onwards all the command on the target system only.
a. Login as
b. run the SAPDBA
c. select J (Restore/Recovery)
d. select B (Full restore and recovery)
e. select A (Select backup of type)
f. Select the offline backup which you want to restore.
g. It will take some time to restore.
h. Once the database is restored login as
i. svrmgrl
j. connect internal;
k. startup nomount (if the database is already mounted shutdown it using the shutdown command)
l. run the following command
m. @controlfile.sql (file name of the control file contains the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement)
n. After the run the above command it should give the "Statement Processed)
o. alter database open resetlogs p. shutdown
q. Start the database and SAP services using startup.
7. After this you have to reconfigure the STMS.
8. All the jobs also you have to reconfigure and reschedule.
9. Reconfigure all the printers.
10. If you want to change the Client number then use the local copy tool and remove the original client after successfully import to new client.
Displaying the SAP Directories
You can used AL11 to display all the SAP Directories.
Double clicks on the directory and you will able to see all the files in the directories.
If you want to use SAP to view the files at the OS level other than the default SAP directories, then you have to goto SM69 to set up an external command.
Find out the SAP license key for Unix
login as sap admin
At the unix prompt type :-
saplicense -get
The unix server will display :-
saplicense: CUSTOMER KEY = X0123456789
Unix Startup and Shutdown
- Power up the machine
- Login as 'root'
- Unix > mount sid01:/usr/sap/trans/usr/sap/trans
- Unix > mount (to check NFS mount is OK)
- Unix > df -k (as above)
- Login as 'root'
- Unix > ps -ef | more
- Unix > sync
- Unix > init 0
- Power down the machine
What is the command used to find whether the system is up or down?
$ ps -ef | grep dw
If you get an output of dw
What you can also do is:
$ cdD
$ cd work
$ grep RUNNING dev_disp
or just run
$ top -s 1
SAP Database Startup and Shutdown
- Login as '
- To interrupt Open Windows 'Shift Control-C'
- Unix > startsap all (this will startup the SAP and database system)
Note :-
startsap R3 - will startup SAP only
startsap DB - will startup database only
SAP Startup Profile resides in
- Check if there are any users or processes executing in the SAP System
(use transaction code SM50 and SM04 - delete their session before shutdown)
- Login as '
- To interrupt Open Windows 'Shift Control-C'
- Unix > stopsap all (this will shutdown the SAP and database system)
Note :-
stopsap R3 - will shutdown SAP only
stopsap DB - will shutdown database only
SAP IDES Installation Procedure for SAP Install on W2k server
Procedure for installation on W2k server with sp3.
Installation Of SAP 4.6b
System Requirements.
P-III System
1024 MB or 512 MB RAM
Minimum 60GB HDD
40 GB Hdd (2GB for WinNT & 38 GB for oracle & SAP)
10 GB Hdd for CD dumps.
CDROM drive.
Network Card
C:\ - 10GB - Windows 2000 Server - NTFS
D:\ - 40GB - Oracle & SAP - NTFS
E:\ - 10GB - CD Dumps - NTFS
F:\ - CDROM Drive
Install Windows 2000 server in first 10GB partition
Computer Name - SAPSRV
IP Address -
Subnet Mask -
Work Group - TEKSOFT
Complete the installation & Restart.
Install Service Pack 3
Install All the Drivers
Install IE6 SP1
Create two Users as mentioned bellow
Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Local Users
and Groups -> Users -> New User
a. First user name TEKADM
Give password, disable the already enabled option & enable
"Password Never Expires & user cannot change the password option "
b. Second user name SAPServiceTEK
Give password, disable the already enabled option & enable
"Password Never Expires & user cannot change the password option "
Add the two Users to Administrators Group
Change hostfile
Open C:\Winnt\System32\driver\ect\host file in Notepad & add IP Address and Computer Name in
The bottom of file. Save & Exit.
Change the Virtual Memory
C: Min - 512MB
Max - 1024MB
D: Min - 2048MB
Max - 2560MB
Change the File and Printer sharing properties to “ Maximize through
Logon as TEKADM
Insert SAP-Oracle CD &
Select F:\NT\i386\setup & click enter
Location of oracle D:\orant & click enter
Accept path change & click enter
Oracle 8 enterprise edition & click enter
(Oracle 8.1.7 will not be supported by SAP Kernel 4.6B)
(Oracle 8.1.7 will be supported by SAP Kernel 4.6C only)
After completion of oracle Stop the service "Oracle TNSlistner 80"
Select F:\NT\i386\Patchs\\setup & click enter
Accept the defaults & complete the installation.
Restart the system.
Dump all the export CDs (6 CDs) into
E:\dump\db1 - export CD 1
E:\dump\db2 - export CD 2
E:\dump\db3 - export CD 3 (To dump type as E:\dump\db1>Xcopy /e f: & enter)
E:\dump\db4 - export CD 4
E:\dump\db5 - export CD 5
E:\dump\db6 - export CD 6
Insert Kernel CD
Select F:\46bker\NT\i386\NTPATCH\R3dllins & click enter
This will install patch for NT.
Restart the system.
Logon as TEKADM
From kernel CD
F:\NT\common\r3setup & enter
Enter the following
System Name - TEK (must be 3 Letters Capital)
Location - C:\users\Tekadm\install (it comes by default)
Accept to restart the machine.
Logon on as TEKADM
Copy the file "db_ides.r3s" from DB1\IDES\NT\ORA\DB_IDES.R3S
(18KB files size) to C:\users\tekadm\install
Start r3setup from
C:\users\tekadm\install\r3setup & enter
Select "central.r3s" file & enter
& Follow as mentioned bellow
System Name - TEK
Instance no. - 00
Accept Defaults
Directory of SAP system -change to D:
RAM of the sys. - Accept the default
Location of the KERNEL CD - F:
Port no. - 3600
Enter the password of TEKADM two times
Enter the password of SAPServiceTEK two times
Start the installation.
This will come upto
Select C:\users\tekadm\install\r3setup & enter
Select "db_ides.r3s" & enter
System Name - TEK
Instance no. - 00
Accept Defaults
Select WE8DEC (default for r/3 4.x system) & enter
Oracle dir. - D:
Location of SAP Database specific files
SAP Database Drive
SAPTRACE D & enter
Location of Oracle Data files
Oracle Data directory drive
SAPDATA6 D & enter
Location Database LOG files
Dir. for LOG files Drive
ORIGLOGB D & enter
Location Mirrored Database LOG files
(Change from D to C)
Dir. for LOG files Drive
MIRRLOGB C & enter
Accept the default RAM & enter
Location of export CDs dump
CD name Location Copy destination
KERNEL F:\46bker
EXPORT1 E:\dump\db1\1
EXPORT2 E:\dump\db2\2
EXPORT3 E:\dump\db3\3
EXPORT4 E:\dump\db4\4 (Clear this field)
EXPORT5 E:\dump\db5\5
EXPORT6 E:\dump\db6\6 & enter
Enter the Password of TEKADM
No. of parallel process - 1
Start installation.
Wait for 14 to 15 Hrs & installation will come Upto 91% & will ask for SAPr3 password.
Enter the password of TEKADM & enter
This will come upto 95%
Open SAP Management Console from desktop & Right click "TEK" & start the service.
Wait for the service to start & will change from yellow to green.
Come to the r3setup screen & click next.
This will bring upto 100% & the installation is over.
Exit the r3setup & stop the "TEK"service & Restart the system.
After SAP installation, install SAPGUI in the server. (CD 9)
Restart the system
Open SAP Management Console & start the sap service.
Start the Sap Frontend from the start\programs\sap frontend\sapsrv.
Logon as
Client 000
User name DDIC
Password 19920706
Language en
* Note : Clear this field
This means if you already have the CD's copied on the the harddrive you don't need to copy them again..
CD Title------CD Location-----------CD copy to this location
kernel--------Dump location1-------clear , don't re copy
cd1-----------Dump2--------- -------clear, this field
IDES System crtl Files are Deleted
In my ides system my crtl files are deleted which are there in the oracle directory deleted? They are necessary for the database to open.
In such case when I am running the MMC it shows msg server and dispatcher + work connected and working ,
but when I try to connect thrugh Sapgui , it does not connect and says a msg to reconnect y/n . and the sap dispather + work turns off.
If you are sure that only the CTRL (Oracle Database control file) has been deleted then It is possible to recreate then using the trace file (the trace file can be generate if your database is still UP: (If database is not UP the adjust the attached file as per your system)
IMPORTENT : The following command can only be applied if you have Oracle as your DataBase .
at SQL prompt
connect / as sysdba;
alter database backup controlfile to trace resetlogs;
alter system switch logfile;
repeat above command ,once per redolog group(4 time is your case)
It will create a file at %SAPTRACE%\usertrace\ directory which contain a script for automatic change of the control file. It will be used to recover the database rename it to recovery.sql ; delete its contents before the CREATE CONTROL FILE command ;
shutdown the database and then do the following (either normal or immediate)
connect / as sysdba;
@ recovery.sql;
It may ask you the archive name which still didnt created
Try to give it the online redo log path and name (one from one group ) Once DataBase will be recovered and openedthen try to start the SAP System ,if still the SAP system didnt UP ,as Markus said send your latest log file from "work" folder to group.
size 50M,
Group 2 ('D:\Oracle\ARF\logA\origlogb.log','D:\Oracle\ARF\logB\mirrlogb.log')
size 50M
'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata1\roll_1\ROLL.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata1\system_1\SYSTEM.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata1\temp_1\TEMP.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata2\es46dd_1\ES46DD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata3\btabd_1\BTABD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata3\btabd_2\BTABD.DATA2' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata3\ddicd_1\DDICD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata3\ddici_1\DDICI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata3\el46dd_1\EL46DD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata3\sourcei_1\SOURCEI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\clud_1\CLUD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\clui_1\CLUI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\dimd_1\DIMD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\dimi_1\DIMI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\docud_1\DOCUD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\el46di_1\EL46DI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\factd_1\FACTD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\facti_1\FACTI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\loadd_1\LOADD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\loadi_1\LOADI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\odsd_1\ODSD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\odsi_1\ODSI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\pooli_1\POOLI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\protd_1\PROTD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\user1d_1\USER1D.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata4\user1i_1\USER1I.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata5\btabi_1\BTABI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata5\docui_1\DOCUI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata5\es46di_1\ES46DI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata5\proti_1\PROTI.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata5\sourced_1\SOURCED.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata6\poold_1\POOLD.DATA1' , 'D:\Oracle\ARF\sapdata6\stabi_1\STABI.DATA1'
1. Cahnge the
2. Change the path of online redo log or adjust as per your SAP system
3. Adjust the path & name of DATAFILES
4. the last two command are remarked so run then individually once your control file have been created .
SAP Client lock
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Client lock
Hi all,
I have two questions :
1. How to lock the client from logon
2. How to see the all the users connected per day (with the activities they have done and resource utilization)
Thanks in advance
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
I cannot answer the first straight away, but the second questions, there are many available SAP transactions
use STAT very useful and many options available if you use them correctly.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
1. I don't know how how to lock the client, but you can lock the system with
"tp locksys
also stop the service, but then noone can login including yourself.
However, I had problems with tp locksys when applying some Hot Packages and
exporting client. It wouldn't work with system locked. I didn't try, but a
simple ABAP that locks and unlocks all the users in table usr02 (with exceptions
of yourself, SAP*, DDIC... - ofcourse) might be an interesting idea.
2. STAT transaction
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
U can lock the system thro "tp locksys" (Transport Utility).
Check the other options of "tp" command for locking the specific client under the system thro "tp help".
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
With this solution I can lock the whole system, but not specified by client.
Send me in more detail....
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
There's no way to lock a client.
You have to lock all users from loging in of this specified client.
The way you do is by user administration setting the lock.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
We can lock a client using SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT and unlock SCCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT functions.
Once we run this functions with a client as input , that client will be locked/unlocked. Actually this function set flag '' Client is locked temporarly for client copy" in client maintanance menu. And the client will be available for users other than DDIC and SAP*. If you try to login in that client as any user , system gives message that ' Client locked temporarly'..
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Client lock
It is working fine.
Once again thank you very much
-----End of Message----
Changing the IP address of your SAP Server
Where do you need to change the IP address on the oss site, and how can you configure the saprouter?
You need to check your RFC connections in SM59 and your hosts file.
If you have set up any external ftp connections to your system, you also need to check if they use IP address or hostname.
If the SAProuter runs on the server you are changing the IP address, you must create a customer message for SAP and ask them to change the IP at their site. The IP address of a SAProuter must be from an official range. You must also update your SAProuter data and change the IP on SAPNet (system-data).
In saprouttab you need to adjust the IP as well.
How to Connect to your SAP System via SAPRouter?
On your SAPRouter, edit your saproutab file,
add P yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy zzzz password) example:
P 3200 basis ---> Where is your computer ip address on the internet, change this to * so that your saprouter will accept any ipaddress from the internet. ---> is your SAP Server IP Address
3200 ---> 32 is constant, 00 is your PRD system number
basis ---> is the your password.
P * * * * ---> entry if you permit all
issue comman saprouter -n to reload the new saproutab file.
On your SAPGui logon screen (Remote Computer)
Description : Production Server
Application Server :
SAP Router String : /H/
System number : 00
Note: ( is your SAPRouter Public IP Address / basis is your password)
Problems with Multi-clients in one SAP Production instance
You are working on group of companies. They don't want to share any data between companies, simply no integration required, therefore mgt wants to have one client for one company that end up having multi-clients in prod instance. However, one of the SAP local guy told you not to continue with this lanscape.
Some of the potential problem of using multi-clients in one prod instance are:
1. problems affecting one client immediately affect all other clients.
an eg.: 1 client runs a job that fills up a tablespace or file-system.
2. a system problem (system crash) affects all clients immediately. e.g. an Oracle archive stuck will affect all clients.
3. programs/tables are client independant. Invidual customers cannot make changes to common programs/client without affecting the others.
4. Poorly written ABAP's will cause bad response throughout the SAP system, affecting all clients. I shudder to think of a situation where the programmer for 1 customer stuffs up and the other customers demand blood!
5. Taking all of this into account, your change management will turn into a NIGHTMARE! especially considering that each customer probably does no care about the other customers, so EVERY change of theirs is the most important one.
The above are some of the problems if you have multi-client in one SAP instance and there are many more arguments.
Do you have a SAP Basis Question?
Problems in Heterogeneous Setup
We Planning to go for hetrogenius setup.
Development server - HP-UX11i,oracle9.2,sap47.
Production server - SUN Solaris with same oracle and sap version
My issue is that, will I face any problems in this setup?
Because right now developments are going on HP-UX.
I am not in a hetro-geneous setup.
But a similar installation I have already visited, which one of the big installation in Bangalore, they used Sun solaris as dev and HP UX as PRD. But no problems. Logically SAP system just looks for where the data is stored and works on TCP/IP. It just does not matter where the database resides for development and production.
The transport mechanism just transports from the development client to productive client. So I assure you 100% you can plan this. This is supported by SAP.
You can even plan NT as development machine. It just works fine.
But some advantages are available if you have similar systems.
1. When updating patches for a particular os/db combination , you have a chance to see how it works, before trying
it on productive system.
2. You learn a lot on installation, sizing, many other related issues at the time of development, so that you can easily
sort it our at the time of installation of prd system.
The above cannot be told as advantageous, but take a note of these. After all it is a matter of cost + convenience!
I am on NT + SQL Server with SAP 4.7 Ent. and its works fantastic without any problems.
Perform the Backup for each Client Separately
I have 2 clients in one server. The database is SQL.
Would like to perform the backup for each client separately so that I can restore per client.
So far, I've only found information saying that we have to do the entire backup for the database and that individual client backup is not good.
Can anyone advise me on how to perform individual client backup and how's the data integrity.
It little confusing with your statement when you are saying that "I have two clients in server".
Or is it rather you want to say that you are having two database instaces on one server.
Scenario 1:
You have One server hosting more that one client as you say. Lets assume it to be Developement & Test client on single databse. Here please note that any SAP DB instace always have more than two clients. The Defaulta clients are:
* Client 000 : SAP AG Konzen
* Client 066 : SAP Early Watch Client.
In addition you have your client specified as
* Client XXX : This will be your production / dev / test client
You can have as many client as you want in a system. Well that really depends on amount of workload and the hardware capacity of the server.
Scenario 2:
You have more that one Database instance on single server. Here you have a choice of having same programs files with multiple databases and or having two different databse instaces with saperate program files. Like in case of oracle you can have two oracle instances Oralce 8i and other with Oracle 9i or any combination you like.
Now your question "Can I take backup of the single client ?"
Ans : Well its possible but then this is not a normal scenario. Its not call as a backup though. You can use the fuctionalities such as client export or client copy procided by SAP.
Second Question : " What about the data integrety ?"
Ans : The option of Client Copy or Client Export are used for specific purpose. You are required to do changes / configure required by the specific fuctionality.
Important Points:
In case of database failuer you would need the complete backup of the database and not just particultal client.
SAP Database does not contain only data but also contains the programs as well. And some of these infomation (Data as you would call) is shared across multiple client in one databse instance.
Hense it is important to restore the complete databse to retain the integrity of the system.
In case of having different DB instances on server you can perform backup of the individual databases. That is sufficient to bring the individual system up after the database failuer.
Hope this is sufficient for your doubt.
Evaluating Online Re-Organization Tools
Content Author: Christophe Rabeau
We are evaluating online reorg tools for an Oracle SAP database which is soon to be of 1 Terra Bite size. I would like some guidance for online and experiences of using some of them.
I use SAP 4.6C under Oracle 9.2 under AIX 5.1 on Risc6000 medium-performance machines.
I experienced some reorganizations SAP online, due to the PRD system that must always be up.
Fisrt, consider that the entire reorg is not possible when SAP is online, because of permanent tables (system tables and so on) that could not be exported/imported while running.
An entire TABLESPACE reorganization is no more suitable because of the long runtime between 2 offline backups.
So you can reorg only some tables/indexes or single objects. Be sure that the objects should not be accessed during the reorg, so it will fail. For a particular case, for example a BIG table, I experienced serious perf problems :
JVTLFZUO table : 10 Gb data + 17 GB indexes = 37 GB to be reorganized.
When SAP is online, it took about 13 hours (4 procs, 8 GB RAM)
When SAP is not available for users, it took less than 5 hours !!!
So my advice is :
- don't reorg too big tables with SAP online.
- don't reorg system tables with SAP online.
- you'd better to perform a reorg by night or in a lower user activity.
- you'd rather to reorg with SAP down for perfs point of views.
- always perform an OFFLINE backup before reorg, because the reorg is not always successful.
Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program
In order to apply any OSS note, you have to be authorized by your company and be assigned an OSS ID and password.
For any SAP standard program modification, you are required to login to OSS and request for a repair program Access key.
Follow this step to obtain the Program Access key:
Menu Path: System -> Services -> SAP Service (Transaction code OSS1)
Login in with your OSS ID and Password
Click the Registration button
Click Register Object
Double click R/3 Value Contract
Fill in the Object Registration for Installation
How to apply OSS notes to my R/3 system?
In order to fix one of the problem in R/3 system, SAP will asked you to download an OSS notes which is a ".car" file.
To work with a CAR File do the following at OS Level:
Get into OS as
Copy the .CAR file to a Temporary Directory.
Uncompress the file with SAPCAR
Copy the the data file generated in the data transport directory
( ej: = /usr/Sap/trans/data).
Copy the the cofile file generated in the cofiles transport directory
( = ej: /usr/Sap/trans/cofiles).
Run transaction STMS
Upload the support package with SPAM transaction and the support package will show "New support packages".
Examples of CAR command :-
1) UNIX only:
Log on as user
cd /usr/sap/trans
CAR -xvf tmp/
2) Windows NT only:
Log on as user
CAR -xvf TMP\
This Will create two(2) FILES
After you run SPAM you MUST run STMS and check the transport queues
As per 315963 note you can direct made the changes in the program or you can apply the support pack.
a) If you want to apply correction then first you need to register the object in SAP, so that you will get the Access key and then you can make the changes.
b) If you want to import the support pack then you need to down load from SAP market-place. and this is in CAR file. and then you need extract the same using CAR utility.
ex: CAR -xvf
you can directly apply the patch from SAPGUI, login to 000 client and then you can load the patch from Presentation server.
Also check what is your current basis patch level?
For example if you want to apply patch 07 and you are having 05 then you need to apply 06 and then apply 07.
Things to take note of:-
It would definitely be better to apply the latest spam/saint spam manager, tp, R3trans and possibly a new kernel patch.
This is not a simple task to complete on the fly. By applying SAP support packs, you may run into problems with SPDD and SPAU adjustments. Also include the fact that the support packages may break one of your transactions. You may want to test this in your sandbox environment, if you have one, before tackling it.
In most situation when you apply support packages, it can takes about 3 weeks to fully test the support packages before you can apply them to the production system.
Do test your "golden" transactions to make sure that they are not broken. If you are not familiar with SPDD and/or SPAU adjustments than do not attempt to load support packages.
You may be better off just to modify the SAP object in question via OSS note
Interview Questions for SAP Basis
Why do you use DDIC user not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam?
Do _NOT_ use neither DDIC nor SAP* for applying support packages. Copy DDIC to a separate user and use that user to apply them.
Can you kill a Job?
Yes - SM37 - select - kill
If you have a long running Job, how do you analyse?
Use transaction SE30.
How to uncar car/sar files in a single shot?
on Unix:
$ for i in *.SAR; do SAPCAR -xvf $i; done
When we should use Transactional RFC ?
A "transactional RFC" means, that either both parties agree that the data was correctly transfered - or not. There is no "half data transfer".
What is the use of Trusted system. I know that there is no need of UID and PWD to communicate with partner system. In what situation it is good to go for Trusted system ?
E. g. if you have an R/3 system and a BW system and don't want to maintain passwords. Same goes for CRM and a lot of other systems/applications.
Let me know if my understanding below is correct:
1) By default the RFC destination is synchronous
2) Asynchronous RFC is used incase if the system initiated the RFC call no need to wait for the response before it proceeds to something else.
Yes - that's right.
But keep in mind, that it's not only a technical issue whether to switch to asynchronous. The application must also be able to handle that correctly.
Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How?
There is a "delete" button when you define the queue. If you already started the import it's no more possible since the system will become inconsistent.
What is a developer key? and how to generate a developer key?
The developer key is a combination of you installation number, your license key (that you get from and the user name. You need this for each person that will make changes (Dictionary or programs) in the system.
What is XI3.0 ? EXPLAIN XI = Exchange Infrastructure - Part of Netweaver 2004.
SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) is SAP's enterprise application integration (EAI) software, a component of the NetWeaver product group used to facilitate the exchange of information among a company's internal software and systems and those of external parties. Like other NetWeaver components, SAP XI is compatible with software products of other
SAP calls XI an integration broker because it mediates between entities with varying requirements in terms of connectivity, format, and protocols. According to SAP, XI reduces integration costs by providing a common repository for interfaces. The central component of SAP XI is the SAP Integration Server, which facilitates interaction between diverse operating systems and applications across internal and external networked computer systems
Mass Maintenance of Users Profiles
Goto transaction code SU10
Select your SAP User by Address data or Authorization data.
With the users you want to change selected, click :-
User -> Change -> Profiles
Filled in the Profiles and click save.
How can I create multiple User Id at Random
We usually created Id though SU01, it only one by one.
Can I create multiple user id having same profile at once.
Yes you can, use tcode SCAT. First, make sure your client setting (SCC4) is enabled with ' X eCATT and CATT allowed'. Just in case your Production disabled this.
- Then, you need to create a simulation (test case) of creating new user id by calling tcode
SU01 later.
- Test case must start with Z, example ZCREATE_NEW_USER. Create this case, put title and
choose component as BC (basis components).
- Save and choose Local if you dont want to transport it or choose a dev. class (example ZDEV)
if you want to transport it later.
- Go back and click Change button. Then key -in Object as example SU01, and choose Record
button on top. When it prompts to enter Transaction code, key in SU01 (if for roles,
key-in PFCG) and begin recording. As usual in SU01 create 1 user id, dept field, password,
roles, group and so on.
- Make sure you press Enter on each field because we want to capture the value/object and
SCAT is a bit stupid if you become familiar later....but still useful...indeed.
- You will see a clock on the bottom which means the recording process is on going.
Once done, click Back button and press End button to end the recording.
Note - I noticed you said the profiles are all the same. Then this is much need to enter the roles/profiles, just duplicate this ID and change the name, dept and password only.
Okay..first stage has finished. Then double click the Object to begin inserting parameters. Then you will see an object for each fields that you run from SU01. Choose the right field example user id (BNAME) and choose button 'Insert Import Parameter (F6)' and you may click Next Screen to 'watch' what have been recorded and proceed to choose several other objects like password field (PASSWORD1, PASSWORD2), roles field (AGR_NAME), group field etc. If you happen to choose the wrong object, then you can reset back (Edit -> Reset Parameterization). You may see so many junk fields captured and this is because SCAT records every steps/dialogs.
Once done, choose Back and save this case. Then you need to click 'Goto -> Variant -> Export' and save it. After that use Ms Excel to open it and begin inserting all other user ids. Save and close. Remember to close this file because SCAT will use it.
Then last one, get back to SCAT and click button execute, processing mode chose Background, choose external file 'the one you created with Excel' and execute. At this moment don't use tcode SU01 bcoz you may interrupt the simulation. Wait for the logs. If you see reds then error was
Hoping this will help you. I have done (Sap 4.6C) this to create thousands of user ids and also thousands of roles/profiles (pfcg). I heard with Sap 4.7, the SCAT has so many extra features.....
Correct me if i'm wrong elsewhere.....just shared my experience.
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