
Question: What is misssing authoization? Please help me.


It means, the user logged on can't execute all transactions he wants.
Only an admin account can do this.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. (Damian Conway)


Only an admin account can do this.

Or an account or role who has the proper authorization to do so.

Right . I forgot to mention this...
Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. (Damian Conway)

wrong forum... moved out of Basis forum.
SapFans Moderator
NetWeaver ‘04–SAP Web AS for ORACLE certified

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Please read the rules about useful subject lines and providing sufficient information to answer the question.

Yuor question is so funadamentally basic that it would seem that you have no understanding of the authorisation concept. If this is the case then standard answers may be meaningless to you.

Apparently Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Star Wars aren't real

Tuly kiwi.

Please read the rules about useful subject lines and providing sufficient information to answer the question.

Yuor question is so funadamentally basic that it would seem that you have no understanding of the authorisation concept. If this is the case then standard answers may be meaningless to you.
damn, I was relying on you to make up some random stuff to confuse the noob

ashuboy25 - check the flux capacitor, transaction is SU53. That will give you the details of the type of dialithium crystals missing.

damn, I was relying on you to make up some random stuff to confuse the noob

ashuboy25 - check the flux capacitor, transaction is SU53. That will give you the details of the type of dialithium crystals missing.

If this was GD I would have been very creative, since it is here I'll be cold, hard and unsympathetic. To be honest it sounds like an interview question.

Apparently Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Star Wars aren't real

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