When a user is unable to print a SAP document then, what are things we need to check to solve the issue?
The following things you need to check for the printing problems:
1. First check wether the printer is the network printer or local printer.
2. Ask them to take a test print out from his local machine
if it is not printing ,
he/she has to check the local printer configuration
if it is working fine ,
the following things to be done
1. first check the spooler output of the transaction , by using tcode
sp02 or by selecting the menu option system-> own spooled jobs
if you found the output by clicking the field "type"
check the transaction SPAD for printer configuration
for the printer is configured to take the local printout
for eg. for a particular printer check, in "Device Attribute"
tab "Lock printer in SAP system" is unchecked.
in "access method" tab fields should have the following
values for local printer
Field : Value
Host Spool Accees method : F:printing on the front computer
Host Printer : __DEFAULT
if everything is correct
ask he/she to check the hard disc space available at
his local machine(don't think I am giving foolish idea)
because I faced the problem, due to no hard disc
space, if I give print it won't print.
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