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Implementing SAP R/3 on OS/400
Update SAP Kernel in UNIX based
1. Login as root
2. Make new backup directory
cd /
mkdir SIDkernel_10102007
3. Create latest kernel backup
cp -pr /sapmnt/SID/exe/* /SIDkernel_10102007
4. Compare the original kernel and the backup
du -sk /sapmnt/SID/exe/ à 840413 /sapmnt/SID/exe
du -sk /SIDkernel_10102007 à 841992 /SIDkernel_10102007
5. Make new shadow kernel directory
cd /
mkdir newkernel_175
6. Copy the new downloaded kernel files into /newkernel_175
7. Unpack the new downloaded kernel in folder /newkernel_175
SAPCAR -xvf SAPEXE_175-20000221.SAR
SAPCAR -xvf SAPEXEDB_175-20000223.SAR
8. Login as sidadm
9. Stop the SAP System
10. Stop saposcol
saposcol -k
11. Login as root
12. Go to the current kernel directory
cd /sapmnt/SID/exe
13. Copy all extracted support packages into this folder
cp -pr /newkernel_175/* /sapmnt/SID/exe
14. Copy back the original file into this folder.
cp -p /SIDkernel_10102007/ /sapmnt/SID/exe
15. Go to the current kernel directory
cd /sapmnt/SID/exe
Then run:
./ SID
16. Login as sidadm
17. Start the saposcol service
18. Start the SAP system
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I did not find any OSS notes appropriate for my problem or bug. What i have to do?
If the OSS notes displayed are not helpful to solve your problem. You can write to
SAP Service describing your problem. You problem will be answered by SAP
Support team.
How to apply OSS notes number?
Before applying OSS notes number into your SAP system. You need to check
whether it is already implemented in your SAP system or not. If it is not
implemented you can go ahead.
There are some OSS notes, which we should implement manually, that means
we need to change the code in the programs/objects ourselves according to the
steps mentioned in the problem.
What is OSS Notes number?
After entering into SAP notes search, you can search for the problem using
keyword appropriate for your problem. If you have specific OSS notes number with
you, then you can directly enter the OSS notes number and you can see the Notes
Where can i access SAP OSS?
Where can i access SAP OSS?
Log on to Under the SAP Support Portal, click on SAP
notes search.
Do i need user ID and password to enter into the OSS?
Yes, you need an User ID and Password to enter into the site. It will be provided by
the BASIS Team in the Project. When they create SAP User ID, they will create
OSS notes ID also. You can also register individually in the site.
OSS stands for On-line Service System.
What is the use of OSS?
In day-to day business customers who are using SAP software encounters
problem or bugs with SAP software. To resolve the issues faced by customers
SAP has provided an on-line solution.
What? SAP software is having problems or bugs? Yes, any software product is not
100% pool-proof. SAP is continuously updating the versions for better
performance and options.
Disaster Recovery Plan to Restore Production System
Our main disaster recovery plan is to restore our production system back onto out test system. Full OS restore, full DB restore. We are looking to see if there are any other quicker alternatives. We want to know if it is possible to only have to restore the database by setting up the equivalent /usr/sap/PRD etc. directories on the test system in advance. I recognise that oraPRD and PRDadm accounts also need to be set-up and some of the profile files need to be created specifically for PRD. Would this work ? We are running on Unix.
=== On your TST system, install both instances (TST and PRD). When this is done, you can delete the PRD database on your TST system...
If you ever come in a disaster recovery:
you simply stop your TST instance,
delete the database,
rename /oracle/TST to /oracle/PRD
restore your PRD tapes
Read the homogeneous system guide for subsequent steps, do all steps that require a hostname change.
Also make sure that all your SAPLOGONs have entries to this PRD-DRP instance.
=== I had the same problem in our company.
So I installed on the test-box also a scond instance (with the same names (disk-drives, directories, ...) - it's a W2003-system.
Then -in case of disaster recovery- we only have to restore the last online-backup , apply redologs (it's an Oracle-Databse), recover the databse - thats rather all.
but still there are some subsequent activities - adapt opoeration modes, TMS, ... (like after every system-refresh PROD > TEST).
We have my mistake transported the request from development to production client. Our development & transportation clients are not synchronised. Our account postings have been effected. For past 2 days we are having problems. Anyone please let us know how to do a quick control of the situation... Suggestions, advises, comments are required...
=== You cannot really "un-tranport" a request, you can only analyze this transports contents and manually place things the way they were before the transports. You can use version management to undo some of this stuff.
== Hard to say something with that brief description... what include the request?.
I suppose you should have stop your operations in the moment, maybe now you have lot of inconsistent data.
If it's customizing try asking in the Functional forums the consequences of the wrong change and how to revert it, if it's possible.
If it's an Abap program, then make another program to reverse what the first one changed... again, if it's possible.
If nothing works, then restore from before of the transport... and recharge all the info of the last 2 days (another big problem).
Good Luck... post some more info.
=== Its cutomising request involving the change of offsetting entry to Inventory Posting GBB.
=== I don't think there is any choice other than creating a fix in DEV and transporting it over to PRD?
How to create a FIX in DEV and transport it to Prod?? What exactly should be done in this case??
=== From what I understand your transport from dev, you set the apple cart in the first place so using more transportation will not help. It really is a skilled call. As someone unskilled it may be simplest to restore as suggested. If you analyze the transports also as suggested you can locat the last time each entry was imported, and import these old transports into a dummy SAP system then create a fresh transport from these to import into prod.
... as I said, a restore may be a jolly sight easier.
=== Anyway... after all this days I suppose you already applied a solution, but here are some toughts:
- First you have to work in group
- Stop operations
- Select an entry affected by the change
- Reverse that entry
- In DEV reverse the change of the "offsetting entry to Inventory Posting GBB". I mean, if you activate a checkbox somewhere (maybe SPRO), now deactivate it, or viceversa (this should generate a request).
- Transport that request
- Reapplied the entry reversed previously.
If this works without problems now you have to evaluate what's better, reverse all your entries to inventory and reapplied them or restore and reapplied everything, it depends in your workload, modules installed, etc, etc...
As I said this are my thoughts, I suppose there are better ways to evaluate this... I was an abapper now converted to basis with very poor knowledge about customizing.
Steps to Install SAP Note in sap
Go through following Steps:
1. Check Note Validity
a. Log on to SAPNet (or use SAP Service Marketplace on the Web)
i. Click Gen. Functions
ii. Click Display
iii. Enter note # and click Execute
iv. Click Note Administration
v. Click Support Package Tab to display note package level
If no value exists for package level
a. Follow the steps in the Solution to apply the note
b. Go to transaction code spam
i. Click Package Level to display current package level
c. Compare note package level with current package level
i. If note package level < or =" current">
No additional steps necessary
ii. If note package level > current package level, note must be applied. Go to Step 2
2. Go to transaction code snote
3. Download SAP note
a. Click Goto à Download SAP note
b. Enter note #
c. Click Execute
4. Implement SAP Note
a. Select note and click Implement SAP Note icon
b. Request – Click Create; Enter note # and description
c. Take note of transport #
5. Test transport before migration
a. Notify requestor to verify changes before migrating to the next environment
b. After thorough testing has been completed, release transport
c. Migrate transport to the other environments
Difference Between SAP Notes and Support Package
Can Anybody tell me What is the Difference between SAP Notes and Support Package?
Which of them Should apply?
What is Add on Components? What is difference between PI and PI_BASIS?
I shall try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge, there might be other vrsions or views for the same....any comments or feedback is welcome.
1. Difference between SAP Notes and Support Package?
Ans. When an end user of SAP finds a bug in the SAP product he reports the same to SAP support, SAP developers check the same and develop a correction for the same. This correction is sent to the customer in the form of a NOTE.
If the same or similar bug is reported by multiple clients or end users, then SAP recognizes such bug corrects them and collects all these corrections in one place and adds some enhancements to the earlier version of SAP and then calls this as a SUUPORT PACK. In simple words collection of
2. Which of them Should apply?
Ans. Depends on your or customers requirement.
3. What is Add on Components?
Ans. AddOn components are nothing but extra functionalities that do not come with main SAP product. Different organizations have different requirements, so SAP has recognized some main functionalities that are in demand and builds that functionality as a components, which can be integrated with the core SAP. so add on components sit above the core and access the same
dictionary objects or repository objects and perform the required funcionality.
4. What is difference between PI and PI_BASIS?
Ans. PI and PI_BASIS are two different components.
PI is the abbrevated form of Plug In. AddOn components or extension sets are installed above core SAP and they integrate or communicate with the core using PlugIn component.
PI_BASIS is the core component or a single version for different PlugIns.
Hope you can understand what I meant in the answers above.
Madhu :-)
A SAP Note fixes _one_ problem, Support packages are many SAP notes together (comparable with a single fix on windowsupdate and a service pack). One should consider running the latest packages since the most errors are fixed in there. Beware of dependencies between (which are also documented in separate SAP notes)
What is Add on Components? What is difference between PI and PI_BASIS?
An AddOn is specific coding that is delivered separately and can be (in most cases) updated without changing the base.
PI is the plugin to "plug" BI/BW and CRM to the system, it contains the extractors for BI and the qRFC part to sync CRM and R/3 (including the filters).
PI_BASIS is the plugin containing BASIS functionality (ALE p. ex.) It is planned to be able to also modularize this so that you can update PI_BASIS without doing a full upgrade but only upgrade this separate package through transaction SAINT.Question : Subject : Support packages testing
Question : Subject : Support packages testing
Hello Everyone,
We have successfully upgraded the SAP40B support packages from SAPKH40B36 to SAPKH40B79 on DEV system.
We are planning to put the corrections and support packs on TST soon. But do we need to request for users testing in the TST environment. I don't think the users will be ready to any TST for this upgrade.
If they are ready for this, what could be the possibilities for solution. We take long time to test it?.
Will it be good idea to apply 10 at a time and test and implement. This very hard in SAP 40B becasue the changes under one support pack will more because it has lot more rel. note changes. (compare to 46X environment).
Please advice.
Thank ypou,
Reply : Subject : Support packages testing
Steve, I don't quiet understand your question. I assume you are trying to find out if it right to apply batch by batch and if you need to have users test before proceeding, right? We usually apply no more than 12 lcp and 5 hp the most. In that case, before I apply them to dev, users/functional analysts review and analys all the changes contained in the patches. Next I apply them (one at a time) and at the end, they take abut 1 week to test on dev (since it's the smaller system), before I apply them to QA. All my modifications are done by abapers in form of transport which I import to QA after I have applied them there. Hope =
this helps. It all depends on amount of changes found by your patch reviewers, if you feel there are alot do them in 2 events.
Reply : Subject : Support packages testing
Thank you for the reply.
1. I ahve applied the packages in one ladnscape from 29 to 72, because they are very behind of lates pack.
The PRD is okay with out any problems. Since I have applied many packs, we have requested users core group
to do the same daily activities in TST they does in PRD for 3 days. They did the same and we are okay on
My questions is >>
We have a diff landscape where users not interested in doing the things we requested as above.the alternative way is find the each and every pack rel. note and test the same. Which will take nbumber of days to do it for number of packs. Which is not
recommended. Is there any alternate way?.
2. Does every one go thorugh users acceptence test for support pack upgrade?.
we do apply the SPC regularly in all landscapes. we have not done on 2 of the landscapes due to some reasons, I don't know.
Thank you.
Reply : Subject : Support packages testing
Unfortunately, the safest way to do this is also the longest way (testing the notes). If you don't, somewhere down the road you will bump into problems because not everything is going to surface and be discovered up front and at once. We have a process which users use to do this and takes about 2 weeks each time we do patches. There is no alternatives that is offered that I know. Does anybody else???
Five Different "User Type"
In "USER MAINTENANCE- SU01" --> in the "logon tab" there are 5 different "user type"
1. dialog
2. system
3. communication
4. service
5. reference
Kindly mention the function and role of all the above mentioned user types specifically and how is one user type different from another.
::Dialog (A)::
User type for exactly one interactive user (all logon types including Internet users):
During a dialog log on, the system checks whether the password has expired or is initial. The user can change his or her password himself or herself.
Multiple dialog logons are checked and, where appropriate, logged.
::System (B)::
User type for background processing and communication within a system (internal RFC calls).
A dialog logon is not possible.
The system does not check whether the password has expired or is initial.
Due to a lack of interaction, no request for a change of password occurs. (Only the user administrator can change the password.)
Multiple logons are permissible.
::Communication (C)::
User type for dialog-free communication between systems (such as RFC users for ALE, Workflow, TMS, and CUA):
A dialog logon is not possible.
Whether the system checks for expired or initial passwords depends on the logon method (interactive or not interactive). Due to a lack of interaction, no request for a change of password occurs.
::Service (S)::
User type that is a dialog user available to a larger, anonymous group of users. Assign only very restricted authorizations for this user type:
During a log on, the system does not check whether the password has expired or is initial. Only the user administrator can change the password (transaction SU01, Goto ® Change Password).
Multiple logons are permissible.
Service users are used, for example, for anonymous system accesses through an ITS service. After an individual authentication, an anonymous session begun with a service user can be continued as a person-related session with a dialog user.
::Reference (L)::
User type for general, non-person related users that allows the assignment of additional identical authorizations, such as for Internet users created with transactions SU01. You cannot log on to the system with a reference user.
To assign a reference user to a dialog user, specify it when maintaining the dialog user on the Roles tab page. In general, the application controls the assignment of reference users. This assignment is valid for all systems in a Central User Administration (CUA) landscape. If the assigned reference user does not exist in a CUA child system, the assignment is ignored.
You should be very cautious when creating reference users.
If you do not implement the reference user concept, you can deactivate this field in accordance with SAP Note 330067.
We also recommend that you set the value for the Customizing switch REF_USER_CHECK in table PRGN_CUST to "E". This means that only users of type REFERENCE can then be assigned. Changing the Customizing switch affects only new assignments of reference users. Existing assignments are retained.
We further recommend that you place all reference users in one particularly secure user group to protect them from changes to assigned authorizations and deletion.
How to solve the Time Zone Definition Problems?
How to solve the Time Zone Definition Problems?
The Time zone is defined in table TTZCU(refer to note: 91667) for System wide and Client wide.
If you want it for individual user, go to SU01 under the default Personal Time zone sections.
Settings for individual users is done when you have global users in different time zone.
For Local users only, go to SM30 and change the table TTZCU. e.g. UTC+8
This is done when your Spool time is incorrect.
Setting the User Decimals Format
Your screen and layout sets decimals are affected by :-
OY01 - Country Global Parameters -> Double click on the country code
SU01 - Maintain users -> Click Defaultsbutton
In the Decimal format section.
Schedule Manager
Automate your routinue task with Schedule Manager. It facilitate the definition, scheduling, execution, and review of tasks that are executed on a regular basis, such as period-end closing.
SCMA - Schedule Manager
Various Important SAP Basis T-Code
SU01 User Maintainence
2) SCC4 Client Overview ( Create , Quick Delete , Modify )
3) SCC5 Deletes a client completely with tables & other factors
4) SCCL Local Client Copy
5) SCC9 Remote Client Copy
6) SCC3 Client Copy log Analysis
7) DB02 Storage Management & Database Performance
8) DB12 SAP Backup Logs
9) DB14 Database Monitor
10) SM12 Lock Entries
11) SM21 System Logs
12) SM36 Background Job Scheduling
13) SM37 Background Job Monitoring
14) SM31 Table Maintenance
15) SM50 Process Overview
16) ST22 ABAP Dumps
17) ST02 Buffer Analysis
18) ST03 Workflow Analysis
19) RZ04 Operation Mode
20) SE09 Transport Organizer
21) SCC1 Copy as per Transport Request
22) STMS Transport Management System
Trace Functions in sap
You can use the trace functions to follow the process of various operations in your SAP system. This allows you to monitor the system and to isolate problems that occur.
You can use the trace functions to monitor the following operations in your system:
· SQL database accesses
For more information, refer to the SQL trace documentation in the BC - ABAP Workbench: Tools guide.
· ABAP programs
For more information, refer to the ABAP runtime documentation in the BC - ABAP Workbench: Tools guide.
· Internal operations in the SAP system and authorization check
You can use transaction ST01 for this (see System Trace).
· Traces generated by SAP processes (developer traces).
These are the trace files that are written by the individual SAP system processes.These trace files contain detailed technical information for use in the event of problems in your System.For more information about this, see Developer Traces. To display the trace files you can use transaction ST11.
To access the trace facility, choose Tools ® Administration ® System Administration ® Monitor ® Traces.

System Trace: Error Analysis in sap
If an error has occurred in connection with the system trace, it is displayed in a group box on the initial ST01 screen (see example below).
You will see the following error details:
· Action: How did the error occur?
· When did the error last occur?
· Error number (errno) and long text from the operating system.
To view the detailed error log choose Error Log in the group box.
This group box containing the details only appears if there actually is a current error message.
If there is a current error message, a dialog box notifies you when you access the trace evaluation. It warns you that trace records could be missing. As soon as all errors are reset, this dialog box no longer appears.
From the administration screen (see System Trace: Administration) you can also go directly to the error log by choosing the icon Error Log in the application toolbar. Even if there isn’t a new error message to view, you can view the history of old ones.
The error log is divided into the following areas:
Details of the most recent error are listed in the group box in the upper screen area.
These fields are used for information only.
In the middle group box is a list of all the errors in a table control. Here you will find for each error the same information that is displayed above for the most recent error. An icon shows the status of each error.
The traffic lights have the same meaning:
· Red : The error is acute and has not been reset either by the system or the administrator.
· Yellow : The administrator has reset the error message manually with he icon
· Green : The system has reset the error, because the action involved has since been performed successfully.
In the bottom group box is a legend.
In the table control you can select each entry individually, several together, or all of them. When you choose the button Reset all the error messages you selected will be reset in the kernel.
Activate the trace on the initial screen and after a short time the group box with the error information will appear.
Now choose the icon Error Log (the same icon as in the application toolbar on the administration screen), and the log described above appears:
The write authorization for the trace file has been withdrawn at operating system level, which means that the file could not be opened and written to. After the write authorization has been restored, the system resets the error.

System Trace(ST01) in sap
If you want to record the internal SAP system activities, use the function SAP System Trace (transaction ST01).
The system trace is primarily used when an authorization trace is to be used. The system log or the developer trace are recommended for system monitoring and problem analysis.
The following components can be monitored using the SAP system trace:
· Authorization checks
· Kernel functions
· Kernel module
· Database accesses (SQL trace)
· Table buffers
· RFC calls
· Lock operations (client side)
The last 4 components can also be monitored using Performance Analysis (transaction ST05). For documentation on this, see Performance Trace Overview.
There are two ways of selecting what traces you want displayed. In the initial screen, select the components to be logged, and additional filters, if required. You can reuse the filters and restrictions from the traces that have these settings when the traces are evaluated.
Initial Screen
The initial screen of the system trace looks like this:
Proceed as follows:
- Switch on the trace and select the required components:
Switch Trace On and Off - Perform the tasks that lead to the error or problem.
- Switch off the trace.
- Evaluate the Trace
Protecting Trace Information from Being Overwritten
If you want to protext a trace from being overwritten later, choose Save on the initial screen, or choose Go To ® Save from the menu.
On the next screen, you can create a short text for a trace, and choose whether the new file that is created specifically for this trace should be automatically created, or whether you want to specify a file. If you do not specify an absolute path, a file of this name is created in the log directory. In the case of automatic file creation, the system determines the filename and stores the file in the log directory. The advantage of this is that, unlike a manually created file, the F4 help can be used for to search for the file from the analysis screen.
If you choose automatic creation, you can delete the file again in this transaction (use the button in the analysis screen). This is not possible if you specify a filename. If you want to delete this kind of file, you have to do so at the operating system level.
See also:
You can find further information in the following sections:
System Trace: Administration
System Trace: Relevant Profile Parameters
System Trace: Error Analysis
Enter transaction code ST01. Alternatively, choose Administration ® System administration ® Monitor ® Traces ® SAP System Trace.

Roles and Authorizations Used in Background Processing
he roles provided contain authorizations.
The following predefined user roles are available:
This role contains all authorizations for background processing administration, including the creation of background jobs and general administrations functions (SMxx transaction codes, in particular SM36, SM37, SM50, and SM51)
Note that the administrator role includes operating system access due to the fact that the administrator can define operating system commands. For more information, see Logical Operating System Commands in this Guide.
This role contains non-critical basis authorizations for all users, including job creation and job release.
The table below shows the authorizations used in background processing:
Authorizations for Background Processing
Authorization Object | Fields | Value | Meaning |
S_BTCH_JOB | JOBACTION | DELE | Delete other users jobs |
| LIST | (not used) |
| PROT | Display job logs belonging to other users |
| RELE | Release own jobs automatically |
| SHOW | Display other users job definitions |
| JOBGROUP | * | Reserved, set to * |
S_BTCH_NAM | BTCUNAME | Authorized user when scheduling | |
S_BTCH_ADM | BTCADMIN | Y | User is batch administrator |
| N or empty | Restricted to jobs in current client |
In addition, note the following:
· A user with batch administrator privileges can do anything with jobs in all clients (authorization object S_BTCH_ADM, field “batch administrator” set to “Y”). Without this authorization, users can only work on jobs in the client in which they are logged on.
· All users can schedule, cancel, delete, and check the status of their own jobs with no additional special authorizations. However, additional authorizations are needed for:
¡ Releasing one’s own batch jobs (S_BTCH_JOB: Action=RELE)
¡ Showing logs of all jobs (S_BTCH_JOB: Action=PROT)
¡ Assigning ABAP programs to a job step (S_PROGRAM)
¡ Assigning a different user to a job step (S_BTCH_NAM).
A user without batch administrator privileges is restricted to working with class C (low priority) jobs and to his or her own jobs in the client that he or she is logged on to.
· Authorizations that allow a user to delete jobs or display information belonging to other users are:
¡ Deleting the jobs belonging to other users (S_BTCH_JOB: Action=DELE)
¡ Display job definitions and spool lists belonging to other users (S_BTCH_JOB: Action=SHOW)
· For the execution of external commands within jobs, the user needs an authorization for the object S_LOG_COM.
For more information, see SAP Notes 28162 and 101146.

Deleting Multiple Spool Requests Simultaneously in spool
You want to delete multiple spool requests simultaneously. You can perform the deletion in the output controller or, with appropriate authorization, in Spool Administration.
Every user can delete his or her own spool requests in the Output Controller (SP01).
For Spool Administration (SPAD), you require administrator authorization.
Deleting in the Output Controller (SP01):
1. Choose Tools ® CCMS ® Spool ® Output Controller (transaction SP01).
2. Display the overview of the spool requests.
3. Select the requests to be deleted.
4. Choose Delete.
Deleting in Spool Administration (SPAD):
1. Choose Tools ® CCMS ® Spool ® Spool Administration (transaction SPAD).
2. On the tab page Admin. choose Settings.
You can delete spool requests by the following criteria:
¡ Spool requests whose expiration date has been reached
¡ Spool requests that have been successfully output
¡ All requests
¡ Requests with a certain minimum age
When deleting a spool request, you delete the following files or entries in addition to the request itself:
- The spool request itself; the record of the spool request in the spool database
- The print file; the data is stored separately from the spool request, in the temporary sequential object database (TemSe).
- Administration data for all output requests generated for the spool request.
- Any error logs that exist; these are stored separately from the spool request, in the temporary sequential object database (TemSe).
We recommend that you regularly delete old print requests in the background with report RSPO1041.
You can also delete inconsistent spool requests in the background during the spool consistency check with report RSPO1043.
See also:
Output Control of Spool Requests and Output Requests
SAP Printing Guide Start Page

Logging and Tracing in spool
You can use the following tracing tools to analyze problems in the Search Engine Service (SES).
Process Flow
Major activity in the SES administration and indexing jobs are logged. Both of these can be viewed in transaction SES_ADMIN.
· To view the SES logs, start transaction SES_ADMIN and navigate as follows:
Menu à Goto à SES Log
· To view the list output of an indexing job set the cursor on the monitor line you are interested in and choose Spool List.
The scope of the spool list of delta indexing jobs can be customized for each business object type.
Print and Output Management in spool
SAP provides its own print and output management component so that users do not have to deal with operating system-specific issues. SAP’s Spool component is used for outputting SAPscript texts and ABAP lists.
Roles Used in Print and Output Management
The following predefined user roles are available for customizing and administration:
This role contains full authorizations for the Spool administrator, who can define printers and administer TemSe , the temporary sequential data store.
Note that spool administrators have operating system access due to the fact that they can define print control commands. For more information, see Logical Operating System Commands in this Guide.
This role contains non-critical basis authorizations for all users, including spool request display and printout authorizations.
For more information, see OSS note 119147 and the SAP Printing Guide.
Background Job Monitoring Monitor in CCMS
You can use the monitoring architecture to monitor selected jobs and to display problems as alerts (see Monitoring Jobs with the Alert Monitor). This job monitoring is deactivated by default; activation is described in Activating Monitoring of Jobs with the Alert Monitor.
After activation, the data is available in the context Background, Background Job Monitoring subtree. For the monitoring, it is useful to define your own monitor or to extend a monitor definition of your own to display the data. The monitor definition and the monitor produced from it are described here.
You can define a rule-based or a static monitor to display data. For basic information about this, see Creating and Changing Monitors. For a rule-based monitor, the definition must contain a rule CCMS_GET_MTE_BY_CLASS with Job_Monitoring as the MTE class:
If you are using a static monitor, choose the context Background ® Background Job Monitoring for the desired system:
With the definition above, the monitor created has the following structure. Here, the job SCHEDULED_JOB1 and all jobs whose names begin with JOB_EXAMPLE are to be monitored. A subtree is created for every name pattern for a monitored job (job chain):
The monitor contains the following monitoring tree elements (MTEs):
MTE Name | Meaning |
Details of Current Job | Double click this MTE to obtain the following current information about the current job: · Name, number, and class of the job · Date and time scheduled, the last change to and release of the job, and user that performed each of these actions · Last planned start and the actual last start and stop of the job · Server, work process number, and process ID of the last run of the job · Status and target server of the job These values may differ from the values Delay and Runtime below, as the current values are collected here, while Delay and Runtime are collected by the data collection method, which runs every five minutes. |
Status | Last entry in the job log for the job with the relevant name pattern: Name, number, status, and planned and actual execution time of the job. A job is reported in the job log if it has the status active, finished, or canceled. A red alert is generated if the job exceeds its scheduled start time, remains in the Ready status for a long time, or was canceled. |
Log of Current Job | In addition to possible error messages, this node displays the start, each step, and the end of each job that matches the relevant name pattern; logs for different jobs are separated by an empty line. |
Runtime | Runtime of the current job of a chain of periodic jobs. If the current job has not yet been started, the node is green and the value for the runtime is 0. |
Delay | Delay of the current job of a chain of periodic jobs; if the planned start time of the current job has been exceeded and the job has not yet started, the node displays the difference between the measurement time point and the planned start time |
Delay + Runtime | Total of Delay and Runtime |
History | Like the entries in the Status attribute (see above), however, not only the last entry, but a history of previous entries (choose the Display Details button ( The entries also contain runtimes and delays. To improve clarity, these values are displayed in the following units: t £ 300 sec. : Displayed in seconds 300 sec. < style=""> Displayed in minutes t ³ 1 day: Displayed in days |
Customizing Alert Generation
· Runtime, Delay and Delay + Runtime
Threshold values are already assigned to these performance attributes by default, so that an alert is generated as of a defined runtime or delay. To change the threshold value, select the desired performance attribute and choose Properties (see Changing Properties and Method Assignments). Ensure that you choose Edit ® Properties ® Use for individual MTE so that you do not change the threshold values for the other monitored jobs.
· History and Log of Current Job
By default, these log attributes always have the color green. However, you can also assign a yellow or red alert to particular messages of the attribute. To do this, choose Properties and specify the class and ID of the desired message on the Filter tab page.
To determine this data for a message of the log attribute, follow the procedure below:
i. Select the desired log attribute and choose the Display Details button ().
ii. The Monitoring Attributes - Detail Data screen appears. To do this, select any row from the list of messages and choose Current Display Variant ().
iii. The Change Layout screen appears. Ensure that the fields for message class (MsgKlasse) and the message ID (MsgId) are displayed, and accept the changes.
iv. The class and ID of the message are now displayed in the list.

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