The client copy can copy the following components of the source client into the target client:
· User master data: User master data is only deleted in the target system if a profile with user master data is copied. Authorization profiles and roles belong to customizing and are therefore always copied with it. Copying users without authorization profiles is problematic. The copy profile SAP_USER therefore contains additional authorization profiles and roles.
· Customizing: All profiles except SAP_USER contain customizing. Customizing data is generally in tables with delivery classes C, G, E and S.
· Cross-client customizing: Choose a profile with this data type for example when you want to create a test system which is analogous to the production system, and no system copy is to be made.
Inconsistencies can arise in the target system after transporting cross-client tables. Cross-client customizing can only be used to create a new system because existing clients can be corrupted by changes in their context.
Scenario 1: You have just installed the target system. The first step in setting up a client is to import a client from another system. Since there are no other clients in the system yet, you can also copy the cross-client customizing settings to ensure that they remain consistent, including those pointing to cross-client objects.
Scenario 2: You have setup clients in the target system whose data must be retained. Cross-client data must not be imported into the system. This data would overwrite the existing data, and the customizing of the other clients in the target system would no longer be consistent. Only the data in the new client would be consistent. This is why you should not transport cross-client data. The data in the other clients of the target system is then still usable, and only the new client needs some postprocessing to reconcile the client-specific Customizing data copied with the cross-client Customizing data of the target system.
· Master/transaction (application) data: select this option, for example, if you want to set up a test system from the production client.
Application data depends on customizing data, so it can only exist consistently together with it. Application data is therefore always deleted from the target client, exception for copies with SAP_USER. Application data is generally in tables with delivery class A.
The amount of data and thus the memory required and copy time for productive clients can be considerable. In this case you should not copy application data, you should create the required test data e.g. with CATTs (Computer Aided Test Tool).

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