How to delete expired roles?

Here are 3 notes you may want to review to see if there is any helpful info, plus some documentation that may be helpful for others....we are going from 40B to 47 and have had a few issues with role deletion

Notes: 312943 504412 & 313587

Additional info

First, the report PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY is functioning as designed. It was not designed to remove activity groups.

Second, in transaction SU10 you must have the valid from and valid to fields filled in with the actual dates, 04/08/2002, in order to remove the invalid activity group. You need to be sure that the remove user radio button set in the role tab. But in the profile tab, the add user radio button is selected by default. What you have to do is go to profile tab and select the remove user radio button. You have to make sure both role and profile has the same radio button selected, i.e. remove from users. Only then when you click save, it will allow you to delete the role from user.

In transaction SU10, you need to complete the following steps:

1. Click on the Authorization data button.
2. Entry the users name, latimerc
3. Click on the execute button.
4. Put a check in front of the users name.
5. Click on the transfer button.
6. Now highlight the user.
7. Click on the pencil button.
8. Click on the Activity Groups tab.
9. Enter the profile name (PM_NOTIFICATION_PROCESSOR).
10. Enter the valid from and valid to dates (04/08/2002).
11. Change the radio buttons to remove user from both the Activity Group and Profile Tabs.
12. Click on the trash can.

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