Support of SAP solutions on Linux meets the same high standards as for any other platforms. SAP is offering installation and migration tools and paths, and support staff trained for SAP on Linux matters. For porting and highly technical issues, SAP has the SAP LinuxLab, where hardware and software partners are working closely together to “bring you the best SAP on Linux experience".
Standard SAP support covers SAP related problems as on other platforms too. During message processing, if the problem turns out to be caused by a non-SAP part of the installation/system, it might become necessary to involve further expertise, as of the hardware- or software partner and its support organization. Therefore it is strongly recommended for SAP customers, running SAP software on the Linux platform, to maintain a support contract for both, hardware and operating system, so a seamless support process chain can be ensured.
Support for the operating system can either be covered directly by the vendor itself, like Red Hat or Novell/SUSE, or by a 3rd party company offering equivalent support, like all our Linux hardware partners do in combination with their products. Our Linux hardware and our database partners provide the same degree of support for Linux with their products as they already do for the respective Unix - if the necessary support contracts are given. Red Hat and SUSE offer direct operating system support contracts as well.
Please get in contact with your hardware or software vendor for more information.
This practice helps all involved parties to solve any possibly arising problem as fast as possible. If the support coverage is incomplete, it can lead to avoidable delays in problem solving - and please keep in mind: extraordinary expenses by SAP or our partners, caused by missing support coverage, may get billed to the customer afterwards!
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